New Book in the works.

Soapmaking Forum

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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2012
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If you read my introduction section post, you know i am a home brewer. I am also an author of a Home brewing recipe book call Bizarre brews 101. One of my favorite parts of my first Book is the tip section from Other home brewers from the brewing forums i am on.

So i thought, Since i have a project up on kickstarter to write a home soap makers guide for beginners which can be viewed here. ... oap-making

I was thinking, it would be cool to add the same Tips Section in this book as well (if funding gets completed, crossing fingers) So feel free to share your best tips here for a new soap maker. The book will be aimed at people that have NEVER made soap before.

If you share a time please use this format

(Name or Initials or Nickname) Most used a first initial and last name
Your tip.

This format makes sure i can credit you properly in the book, if your not comfortable using a name or initials or a Forum nickname, you can put (withheld for privacy) and that is how it will appear in the book.