Neem oil properties question

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2009
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I was thinking of looking for neem oil locally, as I find it can be purchased at a local hydroponics store. :lol: That lead me to researching the properties of neem oil and I see some studies about it preventing pregnancy. That's not an issue for us, after 3 kids in 4 years it would be a benefit! But I plan to make soap as gifts and am worried about effects like this on others. Has anyone heard of it, and do you put a warning on the label?

In case you're interested (or a total geek like me.) I always keep in mind that everything you read on the internet may be crap. That is why I'm interested in hearing thoughts.

You have to pay here to read the whole study but the description gives an idea-

Last paragraph-
Yes, neem oil is being tested in some smaller countries as a possible birth control. I personally feel it could be an abortificant, however so are borage and evening primrose oils (check the labels, both say not to handle while pregnant). However, if you read a little more, you'll see that thus far tests of neem oil in products like soap are considered to be safe. It is only the pure oil that can be dangerous. I actually have some because it has an interesting effect on insects... it is supposedly an excellent insect repellant/deterrant. I guess so though, the stuff smells absolutely horrid! :lol:
If what you are saying is correct. Then I would definately put a caution
on the label. Or maybe just omit the oil. I dunno. They do sell neem
oil soap in the store. I can't imagine it preventing pregnancy and them
not putting a caution label. But then again...................