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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2008
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Okay, this is the second time I tried this recipe (first time I screwed up a little .. sugar syrup didn't get all dissolved). Usually my soap is hard enough to unmold in the morning if done the night before. Can you guys go over it and see if there's something wrong, because I finished at last night around 9 and woke up this morning and it's still too soft to unmold. Here's my recipe (all in grams):

Castor ..... 128 g
Coconut 383
Palm 567
Soybean Shortening 99
Crisco 99
Safflower (high oleic) 85
Shea butter 57

Lye 197.985 (at 7% lye discount)
Water 538.84
nothing wrong with the recipe (assuming you soaped it as written with no errors LOL)

did it gel? if not, it can stay soft even a few extra days.

srsly, it can easily take 24 hours for recipes to be ready to come out of the mold - different combos = different soaps...
That's how I did it ... I'm pretty sure it gelled .. I used one of Paul's molds .. well I guess I'll just give it some more time and then try doing a water discount for next time. Thanx carebear !!
Well I too soaped last night. Later than you - I got to bed about 3 but even so, as of now (13.5 hours later) my soap isn't ready to come out of the mold. Slab molds can be challenging, especially no-line molds, for getting out quickly. At least for me.