My first ad!

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Freemason, Maker, Father, Mover & Shaker
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
DeLand, FL
sweeet.. My first advertisement...and double the awesome because its in benefit of National Breast Cancer Awareness month!


going to be for $40 for a one hour massage, of which i will donate a portion to benefit breast cancer awareness and education... and then i got a raffle for a 90 min massage for $2.00 a ticket, 1/2 will be donated to the same place as well ...

still looking in to local reputable charities... I want to make sure Its someone who will need it that gets the money..not some corrupt office ... cause I have nooooo clue...

hows that sound?
It SOUNDS like you need to do a special like that in Surprise, AZ!

(can you tell that I need a massage?)
lol damn right! :) On the other hand If anyone woud like to fly me out to their location... I can be ready and on the way to the airport in 15 mins...

jk.... but not really

So what does everyone do for career/profession?

Lets play a game.. you tell me what you do, I'll tell you where I think you are sore lol
My husband says he is paying to have a new wife bit by bit.I expect you can guess my problem..Arthritis so slowly my joints are being replaced (5 replacements so far)l can light up an airport with all the flashing lights when l go though checkout :lol:
I decided l would have a Thai massage last time we were in Thailand and l can say you have to have a strong constitution to survive ,l was popping painkillers like candy after that experience.The masseur was a little tiny lady with hands made of bands of steel, they could lease her out as a secret weapon or get her to train the Marines :lol:
I do hope your massaging technique is gentler than Thailands answer to the ultimate weapon.