33% lye concentration, 5% superfat, 2.5 oz Coffee FO, 8.55 Goat milk, 1.3 Distilled water, tussah silk, sodium lactate
This is my first time attempting to make a milk soap. I froze my measured out milk. I used the distilled water portion to dissolve the tussah silk in. Strained the milk/lye solution. Everything went smooth and was prepared for the acceleration with the FO.
I put the soap filled mold into the freezer and its been in there 24 hours.
So, how long do you normally keep in the freezer? How long do you wait for it to thaw before cutting? When it starts to unthaw will it start to gel?
Would the addition of citric acid to the milk lye solution to dissolve it make the milk curdle?
This is my first time attempting to make a milk soap. I froze my measured out milk. I used the distilled water portion to dissolve the tussah silk in. Strained the milk/lye solution. Everything went smooth and was prepared for the acceleration with the FO.
I put the soap filled mold into the freezer and its been in there 24 hours.
So, how long do you normally keep in the freezer? How long do you wait for it to thaw before cutting? When it starts to unthaw will it start to gel?
Would the addition of citric acid to the milk lye solution to dissolve it make the milk curdle?