As much as I love olive oil, the fact that there's so much fraud is troublesome as well. I need to know my olive oil is actually olive oil.
In the US we have a crazy policy that subsidizes anything except fruits and vegetables. Then we wonder why poor people are more liable to be fat?
I use lentils in many things, but I can find chicken cheaper than lentils here, except at one market that burns up lots of gas to get there. I go a couple times a year, because their spices are the cheapest and the best too, and that makes it worth the drive. Especially if we turn it into a hen party and lots of us pile in the van.
I've tried to give up wheat too. I saw no health improvement (I don't have a wheat intolerance apparently), but like you, I was low energy. I make my own bread though, so that may account for something.
I've also been on a low carb diet where apparently fruit is evil too. Well nice, but now that's what made me really cranky, fatigued and brain fogged a bit too. So much for that. I just don't do well with no fruit. But my fruit is fruit, and when I bake with it I don't sugar the heck out of everything.
And I've tried to go without red meat, but now that's when I get really bad. It's my one safe food. I'm glad vegetarians do well without it, because I do think there are sound moral and environmental reasons for abstaining from killing animals. But for the health compromised it's a luxury I can't afford.
But back to Mediterranean food: I have taken a clue from my Lebanese and Persian friends. Use meat more as a flavoring. No needs a 12 oz slap of meat at a meal.
I sometimes wonder if the Mormons don't have a good idea with their diet. Eat whole grains. Eat meat sparingly. Eat fruits and vegetables. As you say, as balanced diet.
I'm not a Mormon, but their dietary guidelines seem to work very well for me.
Other than the part about no caffeine. I'm not giving coffee up unless God gives me a REALLY big sign haha