Make Transparent soap from scratch or buy M&P Base

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I could really use your opinion on this. The elitist in me wants to produce my own transparent soap, but the practical side of me thinks that buying bulk M&P transparent base and just creating soaps is just as cost effective and maybe more cost effective what with time involved and all.
What are your thoughts on this?
What have been your experiences with this?
Is it cheesey of me to buy a base and market them as my own creation?
First off, transparent soap is not necessarily MP (and, of course, visa versa).

As for making transparent soap... when you get good at HP and CP you can modify the methodology to make transparent soap. until that point, buy it!

tons of fabulous soapers use MP. it's not what you start with (necessarily) that matters - but what you do with it.

this said, never lie to a customer - you could be called out on it. if asked, say proudly that you start with a base and make it your own creation by...
Is it cheesey of me to buy a base and market them as my own creation?
It's what you do to it that makes it your own. I don't know of a lot of seamstresses that make ther own fabric, it's what they do w/ it. Just as a most painters don't make their own paint, it's what they do with it.

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