Hello, I new here and new to soap making. I like tar soap and use to buy it but they are rather expensive so I decided to try to make my own earlier this year which was working fine. I followed a receipt (cold process) from the nerd farm wife Pine Tar Soap Recipe as below, without any essential oil and added a tsp of salt.
283 gr water (I used tapwater and not destilled, Im from Sweden and the tapwater is fine to drink and has no additives)
108 gr lye
1 tsp salt
510 gr olive oil
213 gr cocoonut oil
4r gr castor oil
85 gr pine tar
The soap was very easy to make and I let them cure for like 5 weeks. The smell is great, they lather good and are overall great except that they don't last long in the shower. The next time I made the soap, I added a tsp of sodium lactate (still kept the 1 tsp of salt) and I did also replace the olive oil with canola/rapeseed oil when I wanted to use local (Swedish) ecological oil instead of olive oil from Italy or similar. The soap was great this time too but don't last so long. Now I have only 5 soaps left and needs to do a new batch.
Then I found a new receipt at Ellys Everyday which I was plannig to try which looks like below.
237 gr water
118 gr sodium
598 gr olive oil
85 gr coconut oil
95 gr cocoa butter
47 gr castor oil
114 gr pine ta
9.5 gr beeswax
38 gr essential oil (23gr tea tree and 15gr cedar)
Next was that I found this forum + sopamakingfriend and the calculator. I added the ingredients for the receipt from the nerd wife and it looked good I guess (?) based propertie and if the green staples means OK, except for the longevity which are below the wanted value. Next was to replace the olive oil with canola/rapseed oil in the calculater which made the values not so good as with olive oil. Then I added the oils from ellys everyday receipt which didn't made any great values which made me a bit confused when it looks like a lot of people likes that soap.
Now have I been playing around with the calculator to increase the values. I haven't added tar to it yet which I know will change the values/persentage. The selected oils is based on what I have at home. I know that its a lot of more and sience in this, but have I got the basic right when using the calculator? Select the ingredients you want to used in your soap and then find the best mix for your needs. In my case, increase the hardness and longevity in the tar soap and keep the rest at some kind of medium value. Thanks!
283 gr water (I used tapwater and not destilled, Im from Sweden and the tapwater is fine to drink and has no additives)
108 gr lye
1 tsp salt
510 gr olive oil
213 gr cocoonut oil
4r gr castor oil
85 gr pine tar
The soap was very easy to make and I let them cure for like 5 weeks. The smell is great, they lather good and are overall great except that they don't last long in the shower. The next time I made the soap, I added a tsp of sodium lactate (still kept the 1 tsp of salt) and I did also replace the olive oil with canola/rapeseed oil when I wanted to use local (Swedish) ecological oil instead of olive oil from Italy or similar. The soap was great this time too but don't last so long. Now I have only 5 soaps left and needs to do a new batch.
Then I found a new receipt at Ellys Everyday which I was plannig to try which looks like below.
237 gr water
118 gr sodium
598 gr olive oil
85 gr coconut oil
95 gr cocoa butter
47 gr castor oil
114 gr pine ta
9.5 gr beeswax
38 gr essential oil (23gr tea tree and 15gr cedar)
Next was that I found this forum + sopamakingfriend and the calculator. I added the ingredients for the receipt from the nerd wife and it looked good I guess (?) based propertie and if the green staples means OK, except for the longevity which are below the wanted value. Next was to replace the olive oil with canola/rapseed oil in the calculater which made the values not so good as with olive oil. Then I added the oils from ellys everyday receipt which didn't made any great values which made me a bit confused when it looks like a lot of people likes that soap.
Now have I been playing around with the calculator to increase the values. I haven't added tar to it yet which I know will change the values/persentage. The selected oils is based on what I have at home. I know that its a lot of more and sience in this, but have I got the basic right when using the calculator? Select the ingredients you want to used in your soap and then find the best mix for your needs. In my case, increase the hardness and longevity in the tar soap and keep the rest at some kind of medium value. Thanks!