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I ordered a variety (maybe 8-9) of WSP's 2 oz samples to try. The ones I picked were based on the ingredients of the base. I checked for: smell of base, thickness, feeling when applying and feeling left on skin. This helped me narrow down to the base(s) I liked best so I was confident in ordering in bulk. Some of these base scents would be hard to cover up with lighter FO's, so maybe try the sample approach? Personally, Head-Toe was NOT one of my final choices.

As far as process - depending on thickness of the base you decide on you may need to add distilled water to achieve desired consistency, then your FO/EO and bottle as you've said. I'm not sure if a preservative is needed to be added as it is already in most bases.

I've stashed samples away to test later - but visually my oldest mix that I'm using myself, with distilled water, is 6 months old and shows no signs of mold.

