Its not very hard to size your oils, but I'm used to metric (belgium), maybe you can convert...
My current soap mould is 240mm x 93mm x 75mm. Transfer these to cm: 24x9,3x7,5= 1,674. So my mould can hold 1,674kg of soap. Look at your recipe and add the oils, lye and water (or substitute) up in weight. If you have a number that's higher then what your mould can take, lower the amount of oil and recalculate. If you're to far under get your oils up anddo the same. In my mould I use 1kg of oils with 38% water discount and 8% superfat, just the right amount and still have some space to create a textured top.
I hope any of this makes sense...
About your question for a recipe, in my experience (if I'm wrong, please tell me). Ig you look at soapcalc and create a conditioning recipe, everytime you add fats that make the bubbles go up, the conditioning goes down. You ususally have to chose between creamy or bubbly. There are some other ways to create morre bubbles outside of soapcalc, all things that hold sugars. Sugar itself, honey, goatsmilk, coconut milk,...
If I were you I'd try to get used to soapcalc, it's a great tool and there are many tutorials on how to use it on the internet, look at youtube to! Play around with it, see what happens if you add a certain oil to the mix. This Qualities.xls also gives you an idea of what an oil does... If you're not sure about your recipe, you can always put it on the forum and ask for guidance. Hope this helps!