Liquid Soap smells like oils

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2010
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I've only made a few batches of liquid soap and I'm very pleased with the soap itself, but I have a problem with the "oily" smell. I think I've put more than enough EO in it, like 80-100 drops into an average size pump dispenser full of soap. The EO smells nice, but there is still a distinct smell of oil coming through. Did I not use enough EO? Or maybe I didn't add it the right way? I did not reheat my soap mixture when I added the EO (I know I should have), but it still looks to me like the EO dispersed into the soap. Any thoughts? By the way, it's not a rancid oil smell - I have a really good nose and I know that smell right away. Thanks for your help!!
Thanks for your replies. At least now I know I'm not necessarily doing it wrong! :D
I experience both- sometimes I get the smell and sometimes not. I see the difference from the amount of time I boiled soap with solution. I of course put EO later since the boiling will take all the expensive smell go away.

If I boil the solution enough time, I don't get the oil smell so much, if I boil under (I can't give you exact time per amount of soap since I did not record on this), I get much smells..

difficult one for me!

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