Liquid soap from CP shavings

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2009
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Southeast Wisconsin
I am wondering what proportions of water to soap to use when making my shavings into handsoap. I want to be able to put it in a pump bottle. I also need to know how much Germaben to put in with it to keep it fresh, or is this necessary?


( I see no point in tossing these shavings!)
think... snot

unfortunately, any reasonable amount of bar soap shavings when diluted in water thicken and thicken and thicken over a few days until you are beyond icked out.
Yep, mine turns snotty too, I dont use them for handsoap but I do for laundry and sure enough by the time half the bottles gone its turned heaps snotty lol.

But to answer your question I use 10oz of shavings to 40 oz of water, and then just put in some EO if I want. I dont know what that other stuff you mentioned is.
This is soooo funny that this is posted here because this is exactly what brought me to the forum this morning (I've gotten sidetracked since then, of course, but it IS what brought me here!, lol!)

I was gathering up my laundry and my umpteenth bottle of pretreat spray (I buy the cheap stuff from dollar general, seems to work pretty good) ran out. I swear I go through a bottle every 2-3 loads of laundry. Anyway, I'm thinking "take that piece of lard/lye (the one that is negatively superfatted) soap that I use for laundry stains sometimes...with a toothbrush and water....PITA...and make some LIQUID soap out of it. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
After pouring boiling water over the shreds in a bowl and nuking a couple of times I let it go to "cool so I could pour into the bottle" (again, :lol: :lol: :lol: ) Some of my older lard soap shreds were tinted pink so it looked just like ham fat. My daughter was sooo grossed out! It WAS gross, I must admit.....but I added more boiling water in hopes of fixing it......

So your telling me I can't make my magic stain lifter come out of the spray bottle????? :cry: :cry: :cry:
uh no.

for stains I just rub a bar of 0% superfat lard or coconut soap on the spot (wet either the bar or the cloth first). no need to liquify.
1 bar worth of soap
1 gallon of water
1 cup borax

mix hot and you'll have (what I've read is) a decent laundry soap. It is "snotty" so you'll need to shake it before each use.

The sodium in the sodium hydroxide is a crystal, which always keep too much structure to become fully liquid. In order to make true liquid soaps you have to use potassium hydroxide.

It makes you think about what sodium does to veins and arterys :shock:

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