Liquid (KOH) Soap Making

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May 19, 2010
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I'm still trying to get information around before making my first batch of liquid soap. I have Catherine Failors book ordered, but it probably wont be here for another week.

Here are my questions:
1. Is there a recommended recipe for a liquid dishwashing soap? Or would a simple castile be suitable with maybe Orange EO for degreasing?

2. Does it depend on the recipe or method for whether you require a neutralizer? Some information I've seen points toward it not always being necessary to neutralize with borax. I would prefer this.

3. Is it imperative to have phenothalein (sp)?

4. When making a batch can a person keep the concentrate refrigerated in a container and only dilute as much as needed at a time?

Thanks for the help!
courtneybeard said:
I'm still trying to get information around before making my first batch of liquid soap. I have Catherine Failors book ordered, but it probably wont be here for another week.

Here are my questions:
1. Is there a recommended recipe for a liquid dishwashing soap? Or would a simple castile be suitable with maybe Orange EO for degreasing?

2. Does it depend on the recipe or method for whether you require a neutralizer? Some information I've seen points toward it not always being necessary to neutralize with borax. I would prefer this.

3. Is it imperative to have phenothalein (sp)?

4. When making a batch can a person keep the concentrate refrigerated in a container and only dilute as much as needed at a time?

Thanks for the help!

Try this link:

This is a recipe that does not require borax for neutralization. It's a hot-process recipe that is done in a crock pot. While it can be used right away, she recommends pouring it into a container and keeping it in a dark place for a month to "smooth" out the soap. You can then pour out and scent as much as you need when you need it. You don't need to keep it in the fridge -- I keep mine in the closet. And yes, a castile soap would be fine for dishwashing.
Here are my questions:
1. Is there a recommended recipe for a liquid dishwashing soap? Or would a simple castile be suitable with maybe Orange EO for degreasing?

I'm thinking homemade soap would be too bubbly to put in a dishwasher. Is this for just in the sink to wash dishes. In my experience liquid soap is not the best thing for washing dishes.

2. Does it depend on the recipe or method for whether you require a neutralizer? Some information I've seen points toward it not always being necessary to neutralize with borax. I would prefer this.

It depends on the recipe. If you superfat, you don't have to neutralize although you might not get super clear soap and might get some oils floating on top. That is why most people use a lye excess and then neutralize. I prefer citric acid to borax for neutralizing. Although borax does help thicken.

3. Is it imperative to have phenothalein (sp)?
No, but it does help.

4. When making a batch can a person keep the concentrate refrigerated in a container and only dilute as much as needed at a time?
Yes you can.

Are you on the dish forum? There is a good tutorial there under tutorials. Soap queen also has a good PDF you can purchase. Failors book is good, but a bit confusing!
Tumeric is a common houshold spice that can be used as a replacement for phenolphthalein.
Add a 1/4 a teaspoon or so of tumeric to 50ml or so of Isopropyl alcohol. Shake and allow the tumeric to settle to the bottom for a few hours or overnight.
Decant the liquid and use as an indicator.
The color change from yellow to dark orange/red occurs at ~pH 8.5, same as phenolphthalein.
Here are my questions:
1. Is there a recommended recipe for a liquid dishwashing soap? Or would a simple castile be suitable with maybe Orange EO for degreasing?


I am curious about this too. I am looking to make my own dish soap as well (non dishwasher kind). I was thinking about perhaps 90 percent CO with a 10 percent Olive or Sunflower. Does anyone else make their own hand dish soap?
I love Orange essential oil, use it a lot; but remember it leaves orange color on things.
I've been using my LS made from coconut, castor and sunflower for about 10 months to wash dishes without any soap scum issues. I don't use it in the dishwasher -just the things I hand wash. I really like the mildness on my hands and there isn't any residue on the dishes.
kbn said:
I've been using my LS made from coconut, castor and sunflower for about 10 months to wash dishes without any soap scum issues. I don't use it in the dishwasher -just the things I hand wash. I really like the mildness on my hands and there isn't any residue on the dishes.

kbn...would you mind sharing your percentages with me? I would love to make this. Thank you so much ;-)
For dish washing soap be careful what fragrance you use. Some like florals will sink into anything plastic and you will never get it out.

Tomara, sorry I didn't check back on this thread for a few days. I'm more than happy to share my LS recipe: I used a 1% lye discount, 35% coconut oil (76 degree) 10% castor and 55% high oleic sunflower. I used the crockpot/paste method and after it was diluted and sequestered it was completely clear. Also, I didn't scent it because as Bruce mentioned, I wasn't sure what the FO would do. HTH!
I always get soap scum if used in washing dishes as well. Now I use a mix of washing soda/borax and it works pretty well.
Thank you for all the great responses and information.

I should have clarified that in regards to a dishwashing liquid it was for hand washing. I know "real" soap is a no-no in dishwashers - SUDS CITY - don't ask if I found out that the hard way . . .