So a good friend recently made 100% lard soap, her very first time. I do not like it, the lather was very creamy and lotion-y. She calls it slimy and is asking for feedback. I have never used animal products. Did she use too high of a superfat, or is lard like olive oil? She has raging ADHD and cooks by just throwing in ingredients. I impressed upon her that she HAS to follow an actual RECIPE and use a LYE CALCULATOR and all the things. She "can't remember" her recipe so all I know is she used 100% lard. Let me know if you have experience or any ideas. Thanks.
[I'm not hating on people with ADHD. I love my friend and her energy and all her interests. But she's super high energy and I told her when she makes soap that she has to slow down and read and ollow directions 'cuz she's messing with lye.]
[I'm not hating on people with ADHD. I love my friend and her energy and all her interests. But she's super high energy and I told her when she makes soap that she has to slow down and read and ollow directions 'cuz she's messing with lye.]