labcolor question (bb)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
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So I was checking thru archives on labcolors info-to see about how much I should use and whether that would react funny with my soap...but I digress)

So found a thread that said labcolors should be diluted "as directed".....except mine didn't come with directions to dilute. Uh-and I put tons in as the color was..."ichy"-also found a thread that said I should only use a few drops (not sure how to do this with no dropper....and there I go digress-sorry).....

I got mine from Brambleberry-are they to be diluted? Can the color screw with your trace? (Can I put too much?)
also interested. No directions on mine and searching has gotten me no where.
I just boughet mine from BB. 10 ml bottles. If you search BB website it will give you directions how to dilute:

Example: For 10 ml you would measure out 4-8 oz. (125-250ML) of water for each color. Do not add more water than what your size of Labcolors is - it will dilute the dye strength which will affect the formula.

Heat the water to 140° F (60°C). Remove from heat as soon as this temperature is reached - going higher or prolonging heat exposure may affect the integrity of the dye.
Before opening the LabColors tube shake the tube well to distribute any possible settlement and then pour the contents of the dye tube into the water and stir.
Some water may have evaporated during the heating process. You may now weigh or measure the liquid to see if it is within the 8 oz. or 16 oz. range and add water until you have reached the maximum amount of the Labcolors size you have purchased.
Pour the Color into your container.
After the mixture has cooled you may add your preservative - USE ONLY a water soluble preservative -DO NOT use Phenonip as it is oil soluble and will just float on the surface!
If you prefer not to use a preservative, dyes can be measured and poured into ice cube trays and frozen and then stored in freezer bags. Or you may keep the colors refrigerated.

The preservative used in the dye solution for storage will most likely be destroyed when used in your lye water solution. It is of no concern after the dye is in the soap. If you pre-mix your lye solution, add dye and store it for later use, the integrity of the preservative will be compromised and your solution may develop mold.

I dilluted mine 10 ml in 6 oz of water and for 2lb of soap used about 9-10 ml. I had Orange lab color, but right now it is a very nice pink (???), and looks reallu cool.
Ok-my bottles were NOT 10ml bottles-maybe that's why. I looked on their website and couldn't find the instructions-thanks very much!!

Have you found any that have affected your soap negatively?