Overthemoon said:
I discovered the culprit of numerous thefts throughout my house (and items placed in shoes) Folly, my polydactyl cat was caught red mouthed as he ran off with the lid to my soap dye. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the dang thing after he ran off. Next thing I know, he's gone off with the lid to my glycerin.
And he knows I'm mad at him too, he's watching me from across the room.
Anyone else have pets with this nasty habit.
OMG my cat does the saaaaaaaaame thing.. Ive got two cats living with me...ones my girls, and REAL moody... One is mine hes cute but very VERY thick skulled. Elphie and Bongo (respectively). My cat chases my girls around all day trying to mount her, even though he is neutered. He also knocks anything not bolted down off of counters, he steals pens, caps, chapstick, anything small that he can either roll or pick up. He likes the effect gravity has at creating disorder... as he loves to just watch the things he knocks off of counters go BOOM..
He is obsessed with ice. He wont eat any treats (unless my girls cat eats them first).
NOW my girls cat on the other hand... is our "Guard Cat" she wont let any maintenance people in the house as she growls at them and stalks them... kinda scary. She has a thing for sleeping in between my girl and I , which is cute...sometimes... She has a thing for opening cabinets, and drawers and then crawling behind them. She also knows how to open doors... kinda freaky too...
Its cute because like I said my cat is thick skulled and I can tell she tries to teach him these things, he just sits and watches these lessons and I can see everything going in one ear and out the other He hasnt figured any of it out yet--probably because hes busy thinking other things...(hes probably thinking ,bend over..bend over... yeeees show me the booty...yeeeees..) little horn-dog that he is.
You could tell my cat "NO" a billion times and he will shake his head, look right at you, and do the same thing you just yelled at him about.
My girls cat is smarter
ayeeeee lol crazy animals