just venting

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Dec 7, 2010
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Hello all,

I am so :x . Signed up for a 2-day BEGINNING basket making class (75.00/day). Instructor displayed many beautiful baskets she claimed to have made, said she had been a basket maker for 30 years. The project was a large egg basket (I've since learned this is not a beginner project). Nothing prepared for students, we were told to gather our own materials from a big table. Instruction consisted of the teacher referring to 3 books and reading the directions to the students. She was unable to help anyone do anything. First day was a disaster, down hill from there. Needless to say none of us finished the basket as we were supposed to. Several asked for a refund, instructor refused instead telling us to just take home whatever we needed to finish.
Am I wrong in thinking this was a rip off? I may never take another class again. Really upset about the $, could have ordered soap supplies with that!
That's a rip off! I would have been peeved too. Sounds like the "teacher" had no clue. I teach Aromatherapy and soapmaking classes. I have lots of hand outs, pictures and explanations for each class.
Total ripoff!

Where was the class at? Like at a community college or Michaels or something? Somewhere where you can complain to a higher up?
Ditto what agriffin said. There must be someone you can complain too.
If you paid by credit card, reverse the charges. You clearly did not get what you paid for.

I feel so much better knowing that I am not wrong about this class. I've not done this before, live in an area where there's not much available along these lines. This was an individual offering the class out of her home so no one higher up. Funny, I am on her e-mail list now and she's offering another class she thought I might like - fat chance! You all are great - love this forum! Thanks again.
My idea would be to tell anyone and everyone what happened and hopefully the word will get around and she will lose business. You definately didn't get what you paid for. :(
