just tried hanger swirl for the first time!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2013
Reaction score
Cedar Rapids, Ia
I am crossing my fingers, toes and eyes. I just tried the hanger swirl. I made a 2lb batch and split it up and colored one orange using turmeric and the other green with green oxide. They mixed up perfectly. I added tangerine fo to the orange half and peppermint to the green half. Then just kinda dropped what was left on the top then kinda did little peaks with my wisk. Wish I could post pics. Oh and I'm also skipping gel phase.. hopefully. I'm going to leave it in my freezer this time. Crossing my fingers, toes and eyes!!!! :p
Congrats! I have tried it a few times and seem to do ok. Its definitely a technique that will take me time to perfect.
For me, I've found I get a little better definition if I use one of those fat plastic hangers, you know the ones, give that a try too sometime!
For me, I've found I get a little better definition if I use one of those fat plastic hangers, you know the ones, give that a try too sometime!

I have plenty of those. Please tell me how you did it. Did you just use the hanger as it is made? I was concerned about the inward slant of the upper part- does it distort the swirl?
Looks cool!

My first attempt is in the fridge right now. Gotta wait to avoid partial gel. Then gotta wait again to let it reach room temp. Oh the suspense!! I'm not very hopeful. My batter was too thin, I'm afraid. The top looks wonderful, though.
You'll have to post a picture when you cut it. My soap turned out softer than I thought.. I left it in the freezer for 48hrs then moved it to my fridge for about 8 hrs then let it sit for a day in my lil soap nook.. still kinda soft because of my recipe but hoping it works.

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