Just started weightlifting again... Raaah! strong like bull!

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Freemason, Maker, Father, Mover & Shaker
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Jan 10, 2008
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DeLand, FL

Just started back up at the gym like a month and a half ago and have been sticking to a rigorous and religious 5day/week plan.... just noticing results in the past few weeks... everything is getting tighter and more defined, my 6-pack is just starting to grace the horizon again in my upper abs but working on lower abdominals cuz havent seen much there yet...

I think im addicted to protein shakes... been taking this Healthy n' fit whey protein proamino stuff which is awesome and this stuff called Jack3d that acts as a pre-workout booster and targets your adrenals (i seriously think its like legal speed cuz I feel like a beast after i take it... like i want to deadlift the vw bug that parks next to me or something lol)...

Im trying to GAIN weight, a lifelong struggle for me cuz my metabolism is nuts. I figured out i need to eat 3,800 calories+++ per day to gain 10lbs (i want to get to 145 eventually but thats like a good 15 away from where I am now...dripping wet lol)

ive been using this site called freetrainers.com to do my workout plans and then just trying to eat as much as i can... i consider eating like another exercise cuz I literally need to force myself to eat 6 meals a day + protein shakes...

anyone else an avid health enthusiast and like to work out like that???

share your experiences!! maybe we can like post pics of our progressions or something like that lol... light the fire under eachothers arses?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

anyone else work out at lifestyles? im def digging it...
agriffin said:
Ummmmm...I don't believe a word you wrote. Pics to prove it?? :lol:

lol!!!! okay!!!! gimme a lil bit... gotta make wait for my girl to be in a good mood and then ill make her take some! :)
oh and ps.... i now sympathize with all you women as far as shaving goes.... i am now hairless everywhere... from sasquatch to baby bottom smooth lol regrowth is a beyotch!
What's this "wait for her to be in a good mood" crap! Make her be in a good mood! lol

"regrowth is a beyotch!" - AMEN, BROTHER!
agriffin said:
What's this "wait for her to be in a good mood" crap! Make her be in a good mood! lol

"regrowth is a beyotch!" - AMEN, BROTHER!


yeahhhh not as easy as it sounds... shes one of those types of woman where if shes in the mood to be left alone. keep your distance or be prepared to duck the flying pillows lol.... i think shes about there.... sooon enough :)
Just started working 2 jobs again... whimper! weak like a kitten!

Wow! 145 pounds...I'd love to weigh 145 again. :lol:

Best of luck to you, Ian. I hope you achieve your goals. :D
:) thank you! :)

Just got my deadlift up to 165, benching like 95ish (but im playing it slow cuz my shoulder is needing some remedial work)... legs feel like jello!
I don't life weights...LOL. I did used to do a lot of PUMP classes, but I noticed that I started to get too muscly...
so I walk a few km's on the treadmill everyday and bike ride inbetween and walk everyday and run around after the kids..that keeps me pretty fit.
It is getting harder as I'm getting older though, I've noticed that.
ChrissyB said:
I don't life weights...LOL. I did used to do a lot of PUMP classes, but I noticed that I started to get too muscly...
so I walk a few km's on the treadmill everyday and bike ride inbetween and walk everyday and run around after the kids..that keeps me pretty fit.
It is getting harder as I'm getting older though, I've noticed that.

lol i try to stay faaaar from those classes! they scare me! my girl just did the treadmill and a cycling class this morning (a cycling class to me is synonymous with a forced march in the middle of the desert lol)

I think theyd kill me... I DO need to start doing SOME cardio though as I havent been... I find if I do lots of it, I actually lose weight which is not good lol especially when my goal is to gain!

stupid fast metabolism...blessing and a curse at the same time!
I like the cardio. I like to sweat and get my heart pumping.
But I also like to do the occasional yoga class...like once a month or so. I like the stretch. I should do a lot more of it, I know i don't do it enough to get any real benefit. Core strength is something I would like to improve.
Have you seen those vibration platforms? Apparently they cause your muscles to contract rapidly...so you get a workout by just standing on the platform. Not so sure about that.
Being female, I'm not blessed with the rapid metabolism that a lot of males have, and having had four kids probably doesn't help that either, it gets harder to get back into your normal clothes after each one.
I am not a very good sleeper, and I sleep a LOT better if I've worked out, so that keeps me motivated. No exercise...no sleep. :cry:
ChrissyB said:
I like the cardio. I like to sweat and get my heart pumping.
But I also like to do the occasional yoga class...like once a month or so. I like the stretch. I should do a lot more of it, I know i don't do it enough to get any real benefit. Core strength is something I would like to improve.
Have you seen those vibration platforms? Apparently they cause your muscles to contract rapidly...so you get a workout by just standing on the platform. Not so sure about that.
Being female, I'm not blessed with the rapid metabolism that a lot of males have, and having had four kids probably doesn't help that either, it gets harder to get back into your normal clothes after each one.
I am not a very good sleeper, and I sleep a LOT better if I've worked out, so that keeps me motivated. No exercise...no sleep. :cry:

lol yeaaahh those vibration platforms... baaah to that lol... talk about a way to cause premature arthritis and/or bursitis in every joint lol...

kinda like those ems pad things that will give you the biggest six pack every by just hooking the electrodes onto your skin!! (BAAAHAHAHAHHAHAH) lol ....

no better way than to just do the exercise lol i dont buy into those easy way out contraptions...

yoga is something i def want to get into! i havent tried it in a while, but did it a bit during college and it kicked my ass! lol

i loooooove stretching tho lol reaally flexible which is good...

im so happy I never need to have kids... wheeeewf lol but hats off to you ladies ... that must be crazy... although I do envy you being able to paint your belly like a big watermelon or jack-o-lantern for the holidays lol... thatd be sooooooo cooooool lol... gonna make my girl let me do that when the time comes lol...
I just started working out last January, and now I am up to running some. My goal is to lose weight not again. I drink muscle milk light after a workout (if its not too close to my dinner). Sometimes I do a meal replacement with Spirutein Natural Vanilla (can add my own sweetener since I am diabetic). I found this one to have a lot of nutrients in it, mixes nice and thick in the blender.

Best of luck to you...I know working out can be tough, and I am sure trying to gain weight in a positive way can be just as challenging as it is to lose it :)
~12 years ago I was in my early 20's and gained a bunch of weight. I started working out and taking ephedrin while it was still legal and also drank Met-Rx shakes every day. I took boxing and lifter weights all the time. I got back down to a decent weight, I'm 6' and have tried to keep my weight around 175 @ <20% body fat. At my heaviest I was ~210. Lately I've been working like a dog at getting my soap business going and have also been running out of money. This has made it "easy" for me to get down to 165 @ <15% body fat.

I have my measurements and some pics from back then. I still look pretty much the same except for my bicepts when I was working out looked ridiculously big compared to the rest of me! I guess my work out routine was a little lopsided :D
Lol okay.... as promised......

screw my girlfriend...she dont wanna take pics lol...had to take matters into my own hands... its a lot harder to flex, not look like a freak, and still take a decent pic.. lol first time i ever took pics of myself, but Id like to track my progress... Ive got a slew of other ones on my cpu you prob dont wanna see lol but these are the ones that ill show ya lol... gotta click on them to really appreciate tho lol

see my mean flexing face grrrrr lol....

Im so happy... dont care if anyone else can see it but i def notice differences in my physique, my 6pack is starting to come back a bit in the upper abs, still working on lower abs... i made this awesome exercise up tonight where i tie a 10lb weight to my shoelaces in the middle and do leg raises to target lower abs, this is on one of those things you kinda jump up on and it has back support and handles and a place to rest your arms... hard to explain if ya dont know what i mean lol...

oh and regarding protein shakes... i found this aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome shake ive been taking, its cheaper than most, but i have no idea why. Its called Healthy N' Fit 100% whey pro amino... and it is AWESOME. I was recommended this protein by a buddy of mine who i went thru massage school with... hes a personal trainer in addition to being an LMT (but hes into all the heavy juicing and hgh and all that crap.. I dont wanna touch that stuff...) anyway... this company was the company that STARTED the whey protein industry, they make their own isolates which other companies buy, then cut with a bunch of fillers and other crap you dont want to take... for every 56 gram scoop of this stuff, there is a whopping 45g of protein!!! DAYUUUUM! more than any other i could find ... usually if you want like 45g protein in a scoop, the scoop is like 1CUP... bump that!!! it only costs $25 for 2lb and you can get it online or at Vitamin Shoppe. I highly recommend this stuff, tastes good and most bang for the buck... i do a shake every 3-5 hrs and 2lbs usually lasts me like a month or so in about 7 oz h2o, tastes good in milk or h2o, :)

screw muscle milk or metrx lol they aint got nuthin on this stuff... ive done those shakes b4 and they wind up being so expensive and you get minimal protein per serving...
tomara said:
Best of luck to you...I know working out can be tough, and I am sure trying to gain weight in a positive way can be just as challenging as it is to lose it :)

thank youuuu!!! omg you have no idea... okay so i went to school for a bachelors of science in psychology... so Ive come to respect the whole mind over matter thing....

When I started working out, I literally declared war on myself... each day, every workout, every meal...all battles.... and I MUST WIN lol...

I never thought itd be so hard to eat 3800 calories a day i literally have to force food down my throat past the point i feel full, which is not what im used to .. usually just eat til im full... or sorta full, now i gotta eat til everything i weighed and portioned out for myself is gone...regardless of how i feel... can be painful and a long process sometimes lol
Lookin' good Ian!

I always though yoga was "the easy one", then I did a class. I actually started just before I fell pregnant with Charlotte. It was the hardest thing I'd ever done, the next day I ached like I'd never ached before. But it was GOOOOOOD!!
I kept going every few weeks when I was pregnant, I wanted to keep some flexibility and posture even though I was gaining weight. I did that as well as walking a lot.

I really should go more, I get such a rush when I'm finished.
Zumba is the biggest craze over here at the moment. I am so uncoordinated though.

Funny story: one night on the way home from work I was stopped at a set of lights, and there was a house right next to the path...there was a lady in her living room with the curtains all open and the lights all on...doing zumba in front of the tv...everyone in their cars was watching her. Good on her for getting up and doing it...but I think I'd leave the shades shut.

Do you eat any nuts? They are meant to be good for weight gain. And almond meal mixed into your milkshakes? It's full of protein.
ChrissyB said:
Lookin' good Ian!

I always though yoga was "the easy one", then I did a class. I actually started just before I fell pregnant with Charlotte. It was the hardest thing I'd ever done, the next day I ached like I'd never ached before. But it was GOOOOOOD!!
I kept going every few weeks when I was pregnant, I wanted to keep some flexibility and posture even though I was gaining weight. I did that as well as walking a lot.

I really should go more, I get such a rush when I'm finished.
Zumba is the biggest craze over here at the moment. I am so uncoordinated though.

Funny story: one night on the way home from work I was stopped at a set of lights, and there was a house right next to the path...there was a lady in her living room with the curtains all open and the lights all on...doing zumba in front of the tv...everyone in their cars was watching her. Good on her for getting up and doing it...but I think I'd leave the shades shut.

Do you eat any nuts? They are meant to be good for weight gain. And almond meal mixed into your milkshakes? It's full of protein.

aww thanks :)

working hard... just feel cool cuz this is the first time ive stuck with working out hardcore... and seen results for my efforts..

yeah i def wanna take yoga again, i agree it works muscles you never felt sore before lol...

they have free classes with my membership to lifestyles so im thinking of doing it once i get used to my work schedule... just got a new job working at massage envy.. so i dont wanna be totally pooped out til i know what to expect (first day is tomorrow yaaaay!)

zumba is AWESOME (well at least from my POV... which is usually when im doing a set down stairs and i get to watch all the shakin' booties above in the workout room as they take the class lol bowchickabowwooooowww lol)

i think if i tried to do it id die though lol... fun to watch to say the least :) wish i was at that stoplight with you lol

isnt lamaz like yoga? at least the breathing part? no idea as i havent had to walk down that road yet ;)

I loooove nuts... brazil nuts are awesome... almonds... heck ill eat anything.. i havent tried almond meal in my shakes yet, but thats a great idea... been putting wheat germ in it though, i even use that stuff in place of breadcrumbs in my burgers and all other stuff (made buffalo burgers tonight... mmmm mmm! higher in protein and lower in fat than regular beef)

nuts are so expensive down here in fl (everywhere else too?) so what ive been trying to do is get my mom to order some for me through the restaurant (wholesale prices=goooood + no sales tax =happy Ian) and send me like 10lbs or something lol
I think you're right, lamaze is more breathing, I know they do lamaze classes specifically for pregnancy to teach breathing techniques during labour. That girl doing the zumba...yeah well the lights went green and no one was moving...too busy watching Miss Zumba!!
Give the almond meal a go...if you can get it. You can also use it in place of regular flour in baking and stuff. And of course I've soaped it also!
Nuts are expensive, specially the good ones. Macadamias are grown locally in australia and even they are expensive. Doesn't it suck that good decent food is sometimes more expensive than cheap crap? I know that's not the case all the time, but a lot of the time it's cheaper to buy processed refined rubbish than wholesome raw ingredients and put it together and make it yourself. Worth the expense I feel though.
I can't imagine living somewhere that has no access to fresh fruit and vegetables.
yeahh omg I neeeed fresh and whole foods... I cant eat crap or i just start hating life... i feel it in every facet of my daily life.

I cant wait to have some LAND to grow my own veggies and stuff...ohhh how i miss just walking outside to get the elements of a meal... :( soon enough!