Is this normal?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Wisconsin
I made a bar last night with lard and used sunflower oil in it. Today, they are ugly and seem to be weeping a bit of oil. It's not puddling, but definitely not dry to the touch. I used 2% sodium lactate in the batch.

Here's the recipe:

What I noticed was that the soap seems lighter than I think the bar should, almost like I whipped it too long and sort of stringy at the top where I poured the soap into my 3D molds.

I did it unscented and only added ground lavender and oats.

I have never soaped with lard before. I understand it makes sort of a hard bar to begin with, but I wanted to harden it further to try to make a really hard bar.

I think it is ok. So far all of my soaps have wept a bit on top. I think it is the water as I did not discount any of mine so far. You can use a napkin or paper towel and take it off if you like or wait and see if it reabsorbs. Mine have all turned out ok but I wait til second day to unmold.

I did not take it off the first white soap and it has some spots that look like DOS but it is ok everywhere else. so i would recommend taking it off the white soap.


ChrissyB said:
What do you mean by "used sunflower oil". Sunflower oil that you have cooked with? (I know that some people do use "used" oils to make laundry soap with)

She means that she used it...not used as in "repurposed"... :wink:
Carebear, not trying to make whipped soap here, just seems sort of whipped like I overdid it with the BS.

The sunflower oil was ordered from a soaping supplier. It was fresh from the bottle. I just had never soaped with these oils before. I did dab off the external oil and they still seem oily to me. I guess time will tell.
okay, got it, it's just the way I read it, sometimes the english language does not make sense to me (even though it's the only language I know :lol: )
I'd let it sit for a while, it should be ok.