Is silk supposed to ...?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2009
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I added silk to my last batch and though I waited over 30 minutes it didn't dissolve completely. There were still these little flakes in there when I poured into the oil. Is that normal or should I have waited longer? Is the silk supposed to dissolve fully?
What kind of silk did you use ? I use the tussah and have never had flakes , sometimes it takes a long time to dissolve the silk .It does dissolve completely though. I am not sure what your flakes were.

were you using material? if it was that, it may not have been cut up small enough. i put it in the cup before my water and then add my water then the lye. let it sit for a while and it usually dissolves all the way
It was 100% silk, but it wasn't Tussah. I'm going to try again, but this time I think I'll try unweaving the silk rather than cutting it.