Is my HP soap done

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Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
West Virginia
I'm new to soap making, and this is the first time I've used titanium dioxide. I used the TD in the lye water. I didn't notice a medium trace, it went right to full trace. I put the soap in a double boiler 1-1/2 hours ago and the only change I've noticed is that the soap looks like it has lumps in it..... no gelling at all. Would it work to add more boiling distilled water to it to give it a smoother consistency? The batch is only 2 lbs.
HP soap will look like thick applesauce or mashed potatoes when it's done. For a 2 lb. batch that should be about 45 minutes.
soapbuddy said:
HP soap will look like thick applesauce or mashed potatoes when it's done. For a 2 lb. batch that should be about 45 minutes.

Not necessarily 45 minutes...

It all depends upon the ingredients in your recipe. I've had one batch that was ready in less time and others that have taken almost three hours. The more olive oil, the longer it will take.

Also, it can look ready but still zap. Be sure to test carefully. I prefer to start with pH strips to test. You can also check for texture with a glove and put a bit between your gloved fingers...smear it between your fingers and if it's waxy (after a few seconds of cooling) then it may be close or done. If you zap test/tongue test, do so first by holding a sample in front of your tongue to check for a zap. Don't just put it on your tongue. If you get zapped, cook longer -- you can add a little more a teaspoon or so at a time and check again in ten to fifteen minutes.
I added more water until I could at least stir. I did test it, and got a small zap. I superfatted & added mica, and FO. I think I'm going to have let this one sit for a few days.

Here's the recipe:
16 oz Lard
4 oz Olive oil
4 oz Cocoa Butter
5 oz Coconut Oil

Lye 4.2 oz
Water 9.6

My poor hubby, he came home to a cold supper and a hot pot of soap!! :roll:
never more than an hour for me, never 3 hrs! even with high oo.
honor435 said:
never more than an hour for me, never 3 hrs! even with high oo.

I should have noted that it also depends upon the temperature setting you're using on your crock pot and the amount of oils. I believe I may have been using the warm setting for my longest cooking batch. I don't use high temp but regularly use the low setting for most of my recipes now.
The soap actually turned out ok. I'm not too fond of the color, and it's not a hard soap (yet), but I'm pleased that I didn't have to trash it!! :wink:

Thanks to all for the suggestions!!