Indigo Goes Red

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Jul 22, 2019
Reaction score
San Francisco
Early in the year, pre-Covid (remember when?) I made a three layer cp soap by coloring the first layer with indigo, then diluting the next two with plain white batter. Months passed with the soap curing out of sunlight. Late this summer I gave a bar (which had still managed to fade considerably) to a friend, who put it by her bathroom sink. On this last visit, a couple of weeks ago, I noticed the palest of the blue/gray layers had gone entirely pink. In late spring I poured a shallow layer of indigo-to-lye soap batter into my mold, let it set, removed it, stood it upright in the same mold, then poured a white batch of the same recipe (white kaolin clay to some of the olive oil for whitening) around it, to produce a vertical blue stripe, in a white bar. Put that in the same place where all my soap is cured, out of the light (not on purpose, it’s just where I have room to cure soap). After having noticed the bar I gave away had gone pink in one layer, I put one of these white and blue bars into my shower, and within a couple of days the white soap, along the lines where it made contact with the indigo stripe, had turned pink, as if “infected”. The bar is still white, but at the juncture of the white and blue, there is pink.

Clearly, water has something to do with this as both bars were fine after months or weeks of curing. Yet, once they hit water, something caused the soap around the indigo to go pink. Our two cities share some of the same water, but theirs has additional sources. Anybody else have this happen?
I read an article a while vack that you can get pink from some indego. I used some old (4years at least) indego in a test a while back and its a lovely shade if burgandy thru pinks.. but after searching cant find the article. I think it was talking about treating it with sonething.