I had the first casualty of the new year. I record my soapmaking videos on my phone (because I'm cheap and scared of "real" cameras) and when I was making a soap yesterday, the phone slipped out of the tripod holder and shattered on the floor. So now I am in need of a new phone and a real camera!
I am completely clueless about what to look for in the camera department, so I'm hoping someone here can give a recommendation. Here's my criteria:
1. it has to be able to upload to YouTube
2. it has to be pretty brainless to use
3. it has to be fairly inexpensive ($250 USD is my upper limit for the expenditure at this time)
I am completely clueless about what to look for in the camera department, so I'm hoping someone here can give a recommendation. Here's my criteria:
1. it has to be able to upload to YouTube
2. it has to be pretty brainless to use
3. it has to be fairly inexpensive ($250 USD is my upper limit for the expenditure at this time)