I am completely new to the whole soap making shindig. Not here to make a career out of anything. I'm just tired of watching my husband spend hundreds on Dr. Squatch. Don't get me wrong, I love their stuff, but I am a much bigger cheapskate than that. I'm more than happy to spend that money on their shampoo and toothpaste and make the soap myself. Enter new era of devastatingly gross soap. Anyhoo... I'm a screen printer by trade and I am constantly getting ink all over myself and my hands and fingernails especially get so dried out that everything cracks. I have recently made a batch of coconut oil soap and I LOVE IT! It cleans all the ink off and I haven't had one bleeding fissure in my finger since. Sorry. That's kind of graphic, huh? Well, I hope to learn a lot from this wonderful forum. I'm grateful I found it.