Been making CP for a long time but have usually gone without color, used some oxides or used natural colorants. I was interested in using some vibrant colors but don't know what is out there for that. I will be doing my own research but figured I'd ask the folks who already know as well. My wife about killed me when I used to much oxide powder and ruined a few wash cloths so color that won't run or stain would be preferred.
Keith, if you are still in Colorado or at least the continental US (your intro from 2012), then there are many options open to you for micas at reasonable shipping rates.
Vibrant colors are absolutely possible with neons as BattleGnome mentions. And I've experienced no color bleeding.
For micas, I use and like:
Micas & More,
Mad Micas,
Nurture Soaps,
BrambleBerry, but for neons, I've only used Micas & More, however I am sure you'll find anyone's neons just as satisfying. Although BB doesn't list any
*neons (by label) on their website, but they do have some; the others I listed sell them also.
One suggestion: Don't go overboard buying variations of the same shade of micas. A basic set of primary colors, plus a white & a black, is good, because you can actually mix to create your own shades if so desired.
Nurture Soap's owner, Carry did a whole class on mixing micas to create shades and I think she has a link on the site with some information on how to get consistent results. Ah, here we go:
Color Blender Not what I thought I remembered, but it works.
ETA: * BB's neons are still listed, but not by name as Neons. Electric Bubblegum and Tangerine Wow are neons, as they have polyester in the ingredients. I just used both in soap yesterday and thought, 'these look like neons - why are they called neons on the label?' Today I looked them up on the BB website, and yes, they are the same neons mentioned by Amy Warden in her video on colorants. (see video in post # 9 below).