I made a masterbatch oopsie.. please help!

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Oct 19, 2018
Reaction score
Franklin, KY
So I was just having a pure brain dead moment. I always masterbatch my lye at 50/50. Apparently today was not my day for math. My recipe called for 5.65 oz of lye and I only used 5.65 oz of my solution instead of doubling it to the 11.3 oz I truly needed (then added the additional water correctly.) My soap behaved beautifully and looked gorgeous. Now after 2ish hours in the molds there is an oil layer on top of the soap. Is there anything I can do to save it except hp the remaining lye to it? It's setting up despite the oil seeping. Will it be usable but just with a very high superfat? Any input is appreciated greatly. Thanks guys ♡
I guess I knew that I was just hoping beyond hope! Now to take my beautiful rainbow and amethyst loaves and turn them into black blobs. What would be the best way to attempt hp on uncured/weeping oil soap?
I'd pour it into a crockpot while it is still liquid enough and start mixing in the missing lye solution. Once incorporated, I'd put it back in the mold. So sorry about your lost prettiness!

If it's not liquid enough, then you could mix up a small batch of new soap to create some contrast colors with, but, that's up to you. I probably wouldn't at this point as I'd just want to get it done and over with.