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I forgot to add one of my oils.

Long story. In a hurry to make soap on 1/28. Printer offline.  So, hand copied my soap calc recipe from my 12/27/2024 batch.

My recipe called for 23% Olive oil.  To get a lighter soap without using TD (still suffering from TD PTSD), I decided to swap 15% of my olive oil for HO Sunflower.

I recalled that the lye needed for SO is not really different than that needed for OO. So, just did the math and did not run it through soap calc.

Made a batch that for me is HUGE- 1500grams- so that I could make two batches of confetti soap plus do some fragrance tests.

All went swimmingly enough. I keep a journal of all my batches so last night when I went run my recipe through soapcalc and add my notes, I realized that when I copied my recipe by hand and calculated how much SO and how much OO was needed, I left off the Olive Oil!!!   The olive oil was to be is 7.7% of the total oils.  So, I am missing 115 grams of oil!

I tried to do a ZAP test this morning. I did this by wetting the soap, rubbing my finger around on it, then touching my finger to my tongue. I'm not sure what a ZAP actually feels like. I understand it's supposed to be obvious. The soap on my finger tasted very sharp and strong, but I can't say that I felt "zapped."  I did a zap test on a bar I made of Zany's NSC last April.  It was extremely mild. I had other soaps I could also have compared it with but I was a little soaped out...

Now, the additional wild card is that I tested my confetti soap which has M&P shreds- although I wet the part that didn't have shreds. I should have tested one of the fragrance test bars.

I found a thread on this forum from 2019 and 2020 where [USER=9248]@DeeAnna[/USER] explained how to figure out if your soap will be lye heavy or if you will just have less superfat if you forget an oil (one person forgot 30% - holy cow, no math needed there!) . Soapcalc won't let me calculate anything if I don't have 100% of oils in the calculator. Unfortunately, I wasn't really understanding the explanation.  Calling [USER=9248]@DeeAnna[/USER] or someone to the rescue?

And, I know I said just a couple weeks ago that I learned my lesson about not using my checklist.  I DID use my checklist, my checklist happened to be missing an oil!   So, I guess lesson #2 for me is: Never rely on my handwritten notes, i MUST print out soapcalc- since it won't calculate the recipe if it doesn't have 100% of oils.

Anyway, how to know if this soap will be lye heavy or usable?  Thank you in advance.

