I can't find Lye locally anywhere...what do I do?

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Apr 7, 2009
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I am ready to make my first batch of CP soap. I want to make a basic lye soap that I will use to make laundry detergent. (I've been buying it by mail order pre-made by the log and I want to start making my own)

Anyway, I have spent so much time going to every store I can think of in our town. Nobody sells Lye. I even asked if anyone will order it in...nope.

I called all the stores at the next nearest town which is about a half hours drive from here and nobody there has it either!!!

Is there anywhere economical I can order this online? I shudder to think of possible shipping charges...for crying outloud. I am really shocked I can't find this locally.

I was so excited to make soap this week while I'm on break from work (I teach school) and it is just really frustrating.

Thanks for any suggestions or help.
SimplyE said:
Have you tried Lowes? They have it (or used to) in the drain section. I am blanking on the name.

Otherwise, brambleberry, http://www.brambleberry.com/SearchResul ... yWords=lye. There are a bunch of places that sell it online, but I am not sure of the prices. Will keep looking. Others might be able to help, too.

Thank you. We don't have any chain stores like that. I think the closest Lowes is at least a 2+ hour drive one way. I live in central Wyoming. Basically the least populated state and really really rural. (and very frustrating for obtaining anything beyond basic supermarket or Wal Mart...we have a Wal Mart)

I will look online at the site you suggested and maybe others have ideas too. I'll see what shipping is at branbelberry. However, I don't know how expensive or cheap Lye typically is.

Seems like Lowes is not carrying it anymore. Sorry bout that. Some people have bought it from aaa-chemicals.com. I have no experience. A lot go to their local Ace or True Value. Have you tried either of those?

I did a search with "lowes" and came up with some good ideas, if you want to try that on this forum.
Depending on where you live, it can either be really easy to find, or near next to impossible to find! Blame it on the meth makers who use it to make meth with. :evil:

I order mine online, but I was still able to find it at my local Lowes a few months ago in the Plumbing section. The brand name is Roebic's and it's in a red, yellow and black 2 lb. canister. Not all Lowes have it, though. Also- at some Ace Hardware stores you can buy Rooto brand lye. If you find it, just make sure it says 100% sodium hydroxide on the label.

I started buying mine online at AAA Chemicals. They are located in Texas which is just 2 states over from me, so shipping is not bad for me. Brambleberry also sells it online, as does Snowdrift Farms.

IrishLass :)
My local True Value hardware store stocks lye in the drain cleaner section of their store. I've read other threads that people have been able to get it from Ace hardware stores. If all else fails you could order online. I get mine from the lye guy. Pretty reasonable even with shipping.

I feel for you. I just went through that myself. Trying to find a local source. Nobody sells it here where I live in WA State. Not Lowes, Home Depot, Ace, NOBODY! I finally found it at a plumbing supply house, like a warehouse for plumbers, but I had to buy 50 lbs. of it and after taxes it cost me over $80. But, when I compared that to what it was costing me to have it shipped from Texas, $40. when it was all said and done, for 10 lbs., I bit the bullet and bought it. I'll have lye for at least a year or two now.
Thank you so much for the responses.

I called our ACE and asked and they said they did not have it...however, I wonder since it was the store I phoned because I got tired of driving all over the place looking for it. Maybe I should go there in person to look...

I'll check the other online recommendations.

We live in a area where meth is a real problem. I had wondered when I was in and out of local stores asking for it....because I had one person directly ask me why I wanted it. That would make sense. I can't even buy needles here locally for one of my children's medications without a note from the doctor. (legally it is not required, but the local stores still require it before they will sell the needles)

I understand but I really am sick of how difficult it is for a honest person to buy many things due to the meth problems. At least that explains the responses I had locally....I'm sure that is why it is nowhere locally.

I can't find Lye locally....what do I do?

You can thank meth making labs for this problem. Used to be able to buy lye for drain opening at the grocery store or hardware store. No more in most states. Buying on line seems to be the only option for folks living in areas with lots of meth labs. I think meth makers are every where now . I live in an area where they seem to bust labs on a daily basis. I can still get little 2 lb jars of lye at my local independent hardware store but I see the handwriting on the wall. That source is bound to dry up soon. It is one of those Ace hardware stores and they will get in a box of 12 jars now and then. It is in the plumbing section. There is at least one other soaper in my town who manages to beat me to the lye stash at ACE.Usually I can only find one or two little jars left from her buying spree. Every time my DH goes to the hardware store, I beg him to check and see if the lye is there and he will bring me one or two jars. I am looking at buying on line as this is nerve wracking way to get in supplies. I get all ready to soap....and no lye to be had...some one has beat me to the little 12 jar carton supply!
Another possible source for lye is at any bio-diesel place. Check the yellow pages and see if there is one in your town or near by. Most will sell just a few pounds at a time as well. If none are near google bio-D suppliers as many sell lye online to soapers like us. That is where I got mine from before finding a dealer near home.

I believe you can order by the case on the ACE hardware web site and they will ship it to your local store. However their price is almost $5 per pound which is too much even without shipping costs.

I just received and order from The Lye Guy and WITH shipping my price was under $3 per pound... like $2.80 something I think. Good customer service too.
You can get it on eBay too, if all else fails. My local ACE still carries it, but we'll see for how long. The meth heads are going to ruin it here too. Already, the local Lowe's have stopped carrying it.
Our Lowes stopped carrying it also... I bought the last of it on clearance.
I'm happy with the Lye Guy for now.
We don't have any farm supply stores near here but next time I'm running low I'm gonna check out the site Deda mentioned... looks like they have a store about 40-60 minutes from me and the price is drastically less that what I've gotten so far.

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