I am an idiot.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2011
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Quick intro about me, since I just showed up and started posting!...

My goal is to sell my soaps to locals at farmer's markets and maybe sell in some small stores here. Nothing big, just something to use all the milk I get. So anyway, got my business stuff squared away (licenses, IRS stuff, etc.) while I waited for all my supplies to arrive. Granted I know I'm not going to just wake up one day and be a perfect soaper, but I knew if I didn't get the paperwork done for my business, I'd never actually do it. So there's my backstory. It's not relevant to why I'm an idiot (or maybe it is!) but anyway, just wanted to get that in there if anyone has advice.

OK, now why am I an idiot....

I filled my sink with ice and water in order to keep my bowl cold for mixing the milk and lye. The second I poured my first few granules of lye, I noticed that my water had drained from the sink. My drain was not holding! Craaaaap. Think fast, think fast! Oh, frozen vegetables! So there I am with a sink full of frozen peas, corn, soft pretzels, etc against my bowl. It did kinda work...sort of. Then, I thought, if I keep running water, maybe the sink will at least hold onto the water that's left!...Great idea!....NOT. As I was mixing away, I mixed with a bit too much spunk and ended up with my bowl under the faucet, allowing some water to enter my mixture. Noooooooo!!!! I was half tempted to say, "F it!", and start over...but I didn't. I got the soap to trace anyway and poured it into my mold. Tossed it in the freezer....it cracked. Anal perfectionist me rubbed my finger against the crack to hide it. It looks a bit better now. Going to cut it this evening and see the mess I made. I'll be sure to share my disaster photos.

So, is failing your first batch normal? I feel like I should have a dunce cap on!
I agree start nice and simple, careful when working with lye :wink:
Here it is!

Wasn't able to swirl all the way, I think, because the cocoa powder mix was at heavy trace by the time I tried to swirl...and I used way too much for swirling. Oh well. The consistency is solid all the way through with no spots or anything (yet!)

What should I be on the lookout for now?


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Yep. I licked a bar yesterday and no zap. Should I lick each one?

If it's worth anything, my dogs keep going into the basement where the bars are drying and they keep sniffing the air. I think they like the smell :)

It almost looked like they were gelling yesterday, but I don't think they were because today the color is gone. They still look the same today as they did when I cut them. So hopefully I'm good to go, right?
Mmmm, those look good enough to eat! :lol:

I used to fill my sink with water and ice, then discovered that if the milk is frozen solid, it isn't necessary. I still mix with the bowl in the sink as it's easier to clean up, but don't bother with the water anymore.
adoptapitbull said:
Yep. I licked a bar yesterday and no zap. Should I lick each one?

If it's worth anything, my dogs keep going into the basement where the bars are drying and they keep sniffing the air. I think they like the smell :)

It almost looked like they were gelling yesterday, but I don't think they were because today the color is gone. They still look the same today as they did when I cut them. So hopefully I'm good to go, right?

if the batch cracked, i would say it gelled in the freezer because it got so hot it cracked.
lovely soaps btw! welcome to the addiction :D
That looks absolutely fab for your first soaps. and they are so light and creamy. Great job. Just remember to take it slow. Don't try to much when first learning. You just increase your chances of somethjing going wrong. But by the looks of that soap, your going to be a great soapmaker. Good luck.
It could have gelled. Was it translucent? It doesn't look like it overheated because it is so white. The addition of extra water is no big deal. It can make the soap soft but that can be cured out so I don't think you have a problem.

And no it is not a problem if you mess up your first batch That's the challenge of soap making. You may be using the same formula, fo, water etc. every time and still end up with a bad batch. There are so many things that can happen that are out of the soap makers control. That's why it is an art and a science!
It didn't gel...just my imagination and maybe a bit of the cocoa residue left on the knife.:lol: I was able to fix the crack down the center and the only one that actually cracked was the tiny end piece that I think split due to an air bubble.

I made a castile today. Looks good so far! I added a peppermint scent and it's smelling up the whole house. Smells like mint and Easter lilies....I like it :)
maybe this will help, I use a loaf pan filled with ice, with a hard plastic measuring cup to cool down my lye/water, I warm all my oils in the crock and add my lye/water to it, I use the crock for all mixing, hp and cp soap.

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