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I know a couple of people with little ones with delicate skin that is eczema prone. My sister being the main one that I am concerned with providing a gentle simple soap. I make a beautiful soap for my daughters eczema prone skin, but I adjusted the recipe to simplify that even more. So I came up with a BEAUTIFUL batch of Buttermilk Baby soap. Olive oil, Lard, Coconut Oil, and Castor with plenty of SF. Part of the liquid was the Buttermilk added to the oils and SB and also a couple of tsp. of sugar melted in 1oz of water added almost at trace. I KNEW that the sugars would darken, or change the color somewhat if it went through gel. I always have prefered gelling. But I am wondering now if people are bothered by the color of a soap if it seems there is no coloring in it. I don't sell my soaps. But if I send my sis some it is labeled as close to 'RIGHT' as possible. Now I'm thinking, what if someone sent me a soap that the Ingredients read...........Olive oil, Lard, Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Distillied Water, Buttermilk and Sugar. BUT the soap is a lovely PEACH color!!! It really is a pretty color. Are people usually bothered by that? Maybe I could put something on the label that would indicate where the color came from??? I was going to send her a couple of bars so she could have one and give one to her friend that has a little one with the same problems. I wouldn't want anyone to think that I omitting ingredients . If ppl tend to be turn off by this color issue I might just HAVE to freeze it the next time I make a batch.
If I had some kind of Peachy Fragrance it would go perfectly with this recipe!
If I had some kind of Peachy Fragrance it would go perfectly with this recipe!