hubby mad i used oven!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
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ok, so hubby came home and i had some soap in oven, does it really leave a smell? ive done it before and not noticed. How do i keep a gel with slab mold if not in oven, i dont have a pizza warmer or anything like that.
Have you tried using some ceramic tiles heated in the oven? You can get them here pretty cheap on closeout sales. Lowes has some around 90 cents each if you have one nearby.

honor435 said:
ok, so hubby came home and i had some soap in oven, does it really leave a smell? ive done it before and not noticed. How do i keep a gel with slab mold if not in oven, i dont have a pizza warmer or anything like that.

Does he get upset when you CLEAN the oven? What do you use then?

I don't find there is any scent lingering in the oven when I've used it for soap.

My favorite way to force gel is with a heating pad.
My hubby gets upset when I do M&P in the microwave, I always say "Oh gee, we better get some soap to use to wash the soap out of the microwave :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:. " He says it makes his food taste like whatever was the last fragrance I used :? .
little does he know, ive done it before and never had an scent linger!!!
well... that's just men :lol:
A lot of people clean their ovens with chemicals... I'd worry more about that in stead of a little soap :wink:
I put almost every batch of CP in the oven to ensure gel and my oven never smells like soap or the fragrances I use!
I've never had a problem with the scents lingering when I did ITMHP.

:D yeah, my hubby used to freak out over the oven use too.

here's how to turn it into an "non-issue":

after soaping, place 1/2 cup baking soda scattered on an oven-proof plate and leave there until he wants to use the oven. (then i use it when i wash clothes.)

he'll be so distracted over the baking soda/plate thing that he'll forget about the soap in the oven!

also fresh lemon rind will do the same thing!

for microwave cleaning i boil water with a shot of lemon juice in it. let it sit for 1/2 hr after shutting off.

the steam lifts all the grease and bits of food off like magic and leaves the "mikey" smelling clean and fresh.
I use the oven to force gel most of the time, and after I've made my soap, the next time I use the oven for cooking food, I do sometimes detect a slight soapy smell as the oven heats up. But I do like Monet said, I put bicarb in an ovenproof bowel, and just leave it in there for a while. It absorbs any odours, then you can just use the bicarb for whatever, I go and clean the toilet with it.I know my life is so exciting. :shock:
Re: He What???

starduster said:
I have had a discusion amoungst myselves and we say his attitude is a devorcable action.

:lol: :lol:

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