hp' pers goats milk help

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
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ok, i made soap today and im not used to the goats milk, i dissolved the lye in partly frozen gm, that ws fine, added to oils in crock, fine, the edges started to look gelish, the ring went to the middle, so i stopped cooking and a stirred, it looked very slushy orange looking, then i added fo, it got hard on the spoon! i poured in log mold, it now has some oily spots on top, the left over one in small tupperware looks very chunky, oily. I put in the oven on warm for awhile, in case it wasnt cooked all the way. I dont know how this supposed to look? usually i glop in mold, this i poured, is that normal?
my recipe was
olive 12.8
pk 4.8
avac butter 3.5
4.4 lye
10.0 gm
Hi honor, I felt bad that your post was sitting unanswered, maybe like me no one knows for sure?

I always discount my water and pour my milk in at trace...I don't have to worry about it burning that way and I don't know it sure seems creamy that way.

Anyway, if your cooking it in the oven for a while maybe it will probably be fine given time to cure. If it didn't cook all the way it will just need a little longer to cure than usual right:)

thanks, it looks better, we'll see. I may go back to my same old recipe, but they sent me palm kernel instead of palm. :cry: