hp/ goats milk anyone?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
anyone do this, i made some and its taking a long time to harden, which it shouldnt with hp, and got very brown looking(didnt add any color),although the fo is cinnmaon buns.
Well, it would depend on how much you used. Did you add the lye to the gm up front, and how much gm did you use, or did you add after the cook? I don't add gm after the cook unless I am adding gm powder. :)
I don't do much HP, but do only CP with GM. However, I just did a batch of HP last week with GM, and it definitely goes really brown. I just don't know how you would do HP GM without really cooking the sugars in the GM, which is why it would turn it brown, unless you add powder powder at the end as xraygrl said.
Let it cool, which you have to do anyway to add your FO. Add your milk when you add your FO.
So you would have to use water or some other liquid to mix with your lye and use half-strength GM?

I tried HP with GM last week and started to use only half my liquid, saving the GM to add last. It set up like soap on a stick too fast to even cook it and had to add the GM. Seems to me then you would not be able to make an all-GM soap HP style without browning it. Again, I am an HP dork, so would love to hear if there is a better way.

Thanks for this discussion, Honor!
I don't think you would be able to make an all GM soap HP without it browning or burning.

Depending on the size batch you are making depends on how much water you would want to hold back too. If it is under 2 lbs, I don't hold any water back and just add a couple of TBS at the end of cook. Larger batches you could hold out water and replace it with milk at the end of cook.
You just have to be sure you have enough water to dilute your lye in. Too little and it will turn to jello on you. YUCK I did this once :)
Dixie said:
You just have to be sure you have enough water to dilute your lye in. Too little and it will turn to jello on you. YUCK I did this once :)

Been there, done that before :oops:
Use the minimum amount of water that will dissolve the lye. Use half the amount of goat milk and add powdered goat milk to make up the difference, mix and add with the FO and what ever you superfat with after cooking the soap. It won't discolor unless your FO causes discoloration.