I seem to get dimples in my lotion bar tubes as my liquid turns into a solid. How do I fix that? I'd like it to look at least flat, if not rounded.
you can under pour and then top it off (make sure your top-off is pretty darned hot so it bonds with the first pour, you can over pour and then scrape it off (works best using a filling tray), or you can try a heat gun (challenging at best)
awi, I try that on occasion but the darned heat gun BLOWS and it simply shifts the melted stuff off my balms it runs down the side. then I have a messed up top AND tubes to clean off.
Maybe it is the heat gun...mine is a real cheap one I picked up at michaels craft store a while back. It doesn't blow the air very hard. I just wave it in a circle over my tubes holding it about 5 to 6 inches away. I have noticed if I don't keep the heat gun moving, it does blow the liquid around more.