How to get a good burgandy color

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May 6, 2015
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I want to do a twist on the traditional Christmas colors and use olive green and burgandy colors. I ordered some of the Merlot Sparkle mica from BB, but on closer look and after contacting customer service there, it appears that this will not give me the color I want. I really don't want a rusty red, bright red, or pink. I'm looking for a deep purple-y red wine or maroon color. Any suggestions? I have Red Vibrance (Nurture), several purple, several blue, and several pink micas and black (oxide, mica and charcoal).

Any suggestions either from what I have or from a supplier that has a mica or oxide that will give me this color?
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Burgundy Oxide may be a good place to start, you can add a bit more purple/red to suit. A little goes a long way though. I used way to much and the sink runs red when I wash with it.
Don't look at the soap, just the color.
Burgundy Oxide may be a good place to start, you can add a bit more purple/red to suit. A little goes a long way though. I used way to much and the sink runs red when I wash with it.
Don't look at the soap, just the color.

Well, I have to look at the soap! I can't help myself, and I think it is very pretty. Thank you for sharing.
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I used 1.5 tea electric bubble gum from bb and 1/4 tea brick red oxide also from bb in 20 oz of soap for my swirl. So basically, it was a neon pink with brick red.

Thank you - I have some colors here that I will play around with. It's a good start on my quest, and I appreciate the advice. Pretty soap too!
Burgundy Oxide may be a good place to start, you can add a bit more purple/red to suit. A little goes a long way though. I used way to much and the sink runs red when I wash with it.
Don't look at the soap, just the color.

Well, I have to look at the soap! I can't help myself, and I think it is very pretty. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks, you're too kind. I don't remember what I was going for, but I ended up with baby spit-up. :) It smells really good though, so it has that going for it.
I want to do a twist on the traditional Christmas colors and use olive green and burgandy colors. I ordered some of the Merlot Sparkle mica from BB, but on closer look and after contacting customer service there, it appears that this will not give me the color I want. I really don't want a rusty red, bright red, or pink. I'm looking for a deep purple-y red wine or maroon color. Any suggestions? I have Red Vibrance (Nurture), several purple, several blue, and several pink micas and black (oxide, mica and charcoal).

Any suggestions either from what I have or from a supplier that has a mica or oxide that will give me this color?

I have not used this, but was thinking about it, seems I've had alot of dreams lately, I have heard that Cochineal gives that color. Its a bug though.
Here is where I've seen it at: