how do you add POP Colors from TKB ?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
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south east texas
((( LIQUID type )))) I tried to make a small amout 2 oz to put on top my soap and colors stay beaded up in soap ... how do you incorperate them in small amouts.. Thanks !!
I mix my micas or oxides with a small amount of oil before I add the soap. Mix the micas with oil, add some of the soap and mix and then you can incorporate it into the entire batch or just swirl.
ok this morning i put a couple drops in OO it just sank .. when i stirred it , it stuck yo the sides.. it says colorant in glycerine.
I use oil as well. You just stir like crazy. I use a popsicle stick, but want to buy one of those latte frothers. Have glycerine on hand, but haven't used it to mix.
cwarren said:
ok this morning i put a couple drops in OO it just sank .. when i stirred it , it stuck yo the sides.. it says colorant in glycerine.

Oh, I thought you had the powdered colorants. Those liquid ones are tricky. You just have to mix mix mix. Sometimes I can never get them to blend. I have them in the neons. Next time I'm getting the neons in powdered form.
NancyRogers said:
cwarren said:
ok this morning i put a couple drops in OO it just sank .. when i stirred it , it stuck yo the sides.. it says colorant in glycerine.

Oh, I thought you had the powdered colorants. Those liquid ones are tricky. You just have to mix mix mix. Sometimes I can never get them to blend. I have them in the neons. Next time I'm getting the neons in powdered form.

Ahhh, I thought you had the powdered as well. Guess the drops should have been my first clue. Duh!
I have Select Shades and you do have to mix, mix, mix the liquid ones as well.
my guess would be add at really light trace or before trace so you can continue to mix for a while to get them really mixed in there.
I've not used the liquids from TKB but I used to use another liquid colorant system and it was definitely a pain to mix the colors with small amounts for a swirl, I had the best luck with a small whisk in a measuring cup.
Yeah, I stick with the powders.

Do you use your stick blender to blend the color into the soap mixture? Or do it manually? Try the stick blender.

I have some oxides that won't mix in by hand so I have to stick blend.
I used a stick blender on the whole - I was going for pink and wanted blue swirls.. so yes the soap was a washed out pink .. and after it sat a couple hrs .. pink sank to bottom of soap.. ( well you can see by pic that was 2 t color ) very washed out - heck it don't even look pink and yes I used a stickblender ...
OK here is the scoop... the company called me , trace must have been too thin. I will try another batch today and see.. dont know how I'm gona get swirls ............ I'll do pics again later
NancyRogers said:
cwarren said:
ok this morning i put a couple drops in OO it just sank .. when i stirred it , it stuck yo the sides.. it says colorant in glycerine.

Oh, I thought you had the powdered colorants. Those liquid ones are tricky. You just have to mix mix mix. Sometimes I can never get them to blend. I have them in the neons. Next time I'm getting the neons in powdered form.

I use the liquids in glycerine and everyone's right. I stick blend them into the oils like crazy, and still occasionally see a tiny particle here and there. To swirl, I separate the batter as soon as the lye is all added, NOT at trace. But...I just used Tahitian Sunset powder which I mixed with glycerine before adding, and so far I don't see any specks, so I think Nancy is right. If you search on "lavender" and "BakingNana" for author, you'll see a previous post of mine where Grape Pop was added as an afterthought at trace. I grew to like those dots!

p.s. Can someone tell me how to post a link to a previous post? Still don't have all the technicalities down on forum use.[/url]
p.s. Can someone tell me how to post a link to a previous post? Still don't have all the technicalities down on forum use.[/url]

at top of computer where it says http:// bla bla

left click on it once( it will turn blue, right click with mouse ... click copy ) the put pointer where you want it right click paste ..
cwarren said:
TKB is sending me the powder sampler pack for free they are truely awsome.. and I will buy from them again !!

I agree, they are great. I think you will like the powders much better. I do have to say though, I love the way the liquid retains the shimmers. My powder doesn't do that unless I purposefully do not mix it in good.

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