Hot Process: The Deets?

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Vinca Leaf

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
Reaction score
Ok...I think I may try this. How much head room should you have in your crock pot? 1/2 way full? 3/4ths? I'm not so keen on having a molten flow of raw soap all over the kitchen...that would be bad....

In relation to say, REBATCHING fresh fluid/not fluid is "done" HP soap? More? Less? About the same?

Reduction of FO by 1/2-ish? Yes?

Should your hard oils be completely melted before adding the lye water? Do we care at what temp these are added together?

When do you know it's done? Should you do a water discount? How many separation/come togethers in a typical batch?


Thanks guys!
To avoid volcano of soap from crockpot about 1/2 to 2/3 full including lye solution.
The fluidity of the cooked soap will depend on recipe, probably not a good idea to do water discount. One of my recipes after cook is really gloppy and I have ro mash it into mold, another is like pudding that has set up.
FO added after cook usually at 1/2 the rate that you would use in CP, but that still depends on the FO.
All of the hard oils should be melted before adding lye solution so that you get them blended well. You really don't have to worry about temps because you are gonna cook it.
If you watch it you will see the soap go thru gel stage, it will kinda climb the side of the crockpot and fold over itself. Just make sure that there isn't a spot in the middle that is still not gelled, you will be able to tell because it will be like a lump of cream cheese and usually a different color than the gelled part. I usually check mine to make sure that all of it has gelled and then add my additives and get it into the mold. A small amount of the cooled soap rubbed between your finger and thumb will feel waxy, this is done.
There are some tutiorial links on the forum that you should probably take a look at. Here's one of them
i have discounted water in hp, by a ounce or two, but then i add some superfat oils after the cook, makes it a little less thick, fragrance in 1/2, color doesnt look as nice as cp, but i just used some powder oxide and it turned out good. Good luck.