Homemade cold process soap and plumbing

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I do the zap test on every batch I make. I wouldn't feel good giving it to my family and friends unless I did. That said, I wouldn't do it on cold process soap while it's still fluid. I've done it on the few hot process batches I've done after cooling a bit to make sure they were ready. Most of the time I do CPOP and it gets the zap test when I take it out in the morning.

In the instance I mentioned where I knew it was going to fail, I was doing CPOP before I got the bright idea of putting all the stuff that was covered with goop in the oven with the soap. Back then I let things sit around a few days to turn into soap before cleaning. The day after I made a batch, the soap on the utensils had solidified a bit and I touched my tongue to some of the not quite soap just to see what it was like. It didn't burn me. It was just like touching your tongue to a 9V battery.

In case anyone's worried about it putting utensils in the oven, there are very few things you have in your kitchen that can't take 170 deg. F for a couple hours. Even things like plastic measuring cups.
I do the zap test on every batch I make. I wouldn't feel good giving it to my family and friends unless I did. That said, I wouldn't do it on cold process soap while it's still fluid. I've done it on the few hot process batches I've done after cooling a bit to make sure they were ready. Most of the time I do CPOP and it gets the zap test when I take it out in the morning.

In the instance I mentioned where I knew it was going to fail, I was doing CPOP before I got the bright idea of putting all the stuff that was covered with goop in the oven with the soap. Back then I let things sit around a few days to turn into soap before cleaning. The day after I made a batch, the soap on the utensils had solidified a bit and I touched my tongue to some of the not quite soap just to see what it was like. It didn't burn me. It was just like touching your tongue to a 9V battery.

In case anyone's worried about it putting utensils in the oven, there are very few things you have in your kitchen that can't take 170 deg. F for a couple hours. Even things like plastic measuring cups.

Thank you, MickeyRat! It does sound like a great idea to put all the utencils and tools in the oven and let the goop solidify a bit for easy cleaning! You made me want to try CPOP just to make the cleaning easier :D
Thank you, MickeyRat! It does sound like a great idea to put all the utencils and tools in the oven and let the goop solidify a bit for easy cleaning! You made me want to try CPOP just to make the cleaning easier :D

Thinking about it, you don't have to CPOP your soap to do the utensils. You could just toss the utensils in the oven at 170 deg. F for a couple hours, turn the oven off and in the morning take them out to clean. Just don't toss them straight in the dishwasher unless you want suds all over your kitchen.
I just wipe my utensils off with a cloth or paper towels and wash them. Or you can leave all your soaping stuff in a bucket for a day or so then wash.

Also, with CP or CPOP don’t zap test for 24-48 hours.