help w/ lab colors

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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just got 3 lab colors i ordered. from brambleberry and i guess they need to be diluted in 160 degree water??? i found their directions to be confusing, says you can either add them to 8 oz of water or use undiluted but i don't see how much you should add undiluted to the soap? just a drop or two?? which way comes out better, using them diluted or undiluted? if you dilute them, what is best to store them in? glass? thx!!
If you dilute them in water and store them in a airtight container you have to add germall.(sp)

What I do is just put a tsp of water in a small ramakin and then add a drop or too of the color till I get the color I want or think I need. It's guess work but either way is guess work.
They are really meant to be diluted. You can (and I have many times) use them undiluted from the bottle but you'll only need a coupla drops. Start with one and go from there. You need to dilute them in 140 degree water (my directions say no higher than that). 8 oz. for the small bottle and 16 oz. for the bigger one. You also will need to add a preservative if diluting.

Brambleberry has a good FAQ
well i don't have any empty bottle nor do i have any i think we'll go w/ the one drop method! thanx
i used too much purple and ended up with a almost black bar! which i actually like now.