HELP! Soapmaking Calculator

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Is there a current lotion calculator working you all use currently?

I've never seen an online lotion calculator. I built my own using excel, starting with this info from Brambleberry.

I set mine up so I put in percentage of ingredients, then I put it in the total batch size (in grams) and it divides it up. I also put in something that converts the batch size to ounces for me, so I can guess the number of containers I use.
Please add me, too.

One suggestion I have is to add a component to calculate batch size for molds based on size of mold. The only calculator that I know of that does include this now (there could be others) is at Summer Bee Meadow. What I don't like about it, is that you have to calculate your recipe first before you can calculate the batch size for the size of your mold. I would prefer a page where the mold calculation can be done separately. Preferably with built-in conversions for metric as using metric give more accurate soap calculations. But it would be good if it includes options of inches when measuring the width, depth and height of molds; also cm, of course.

The most important feature for me with what I use now (soapee) is the on-the-fly feature, meaning that all calculations can be changed with co-responding results immediately when a change is entered into a data field. Others have mentioned other features that are important, of course. I thought it would be important to add that inclusion of all forms of oils that many soapers use is also very important. Some calculators don't include any type of shortening, which makes it very difficult to use them if a soaper wants to use a grocery-store bought shortening.
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@Zany_in_CO said:
What we really need, JMHO, is a Lotion Calc like the one designed by Joseph Henry Skin Esscentuals, sadly, now defunct, but archived at Save on Scents. Go to the link below; scroll down to "Lotion/Creams", click on that then scroll down to the very bottom of that page to see the calculator (no longer working).

Late response, but OMG Joseph Henry's site! It was and continues to be my favorite general resource. He and his work are very close to my heart. Tried to track him down a about 2 years ago, found a couple of old blogs, some comments on some of his friends' blogs, even found his picture! Would attach but all that data is somewhere on one of my external hard drives. This might already be common knowledge, but IIRC he was living in San Francisco, and had lived there for many years prior, but I believe he was originally from the midwest. His final posts indicate he was close to the end of his long (for the time) struggle with HIV - yet another very sad reminder of all that was lost during that era..
He was a wonderful writer - his narratives and code are equally elegant and meaningful. His blog entries were so good - his life story seemed both unique and familiar, his daily anecdotes were interesting and insightful. All of the Skin Esscentuals website is written in pure html, so very easy to access, preserve, and manipulate, and the calculators are downloadable excel docs, also very easy to access and use. Skin Esscentuals is not easy to find anymore, and am so happy to learn others know and refer to it. :)
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