Help! Do I throw this batch away? (very thinh trace, now in the fridge)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
Warwickshire, Great Britain
I've spent the entire morning, almost 4 hours, trying to make some goat's milk and honey soap. It wouldn't trace - actually melted the blender, trying.
At its thickest consistency I put it in the mould and in the fridge. If it doesn't harden, what shall I do please?
Can I recover it or do I throw it away?....
Describe what the consistency was. Liquid cake batter, soup, etc. Also when you stopped SB'ing did the oils stay together (ie. same color throughout, no clearer oils on top). Also what did your recipe consist of, water content, etc.
Hi. Consistency was thick soup (clinging to wall of bowl), homogenous, no oil separation. Like any good soap batter. GM used (380 gr to 142 gr lye - checked through calculator), no water, olive oil, almond oil, castor oil, cocoa butter and coconut oil. Honey when thick.
That is a lot of liquid oil and since it is in the fridge I am guessing you are trying not to gel. It may take several days, or even up to a week before it really really hardens up enough to unmold and cut. Don't panic, as long as it doesn't separate it should eventually be fine, it will just take a while.

If it should separate I think your only hope is to put it all in a crockpot or double boiler and HP it, which will be a bummer because the GM and honey will caramelize and probably turn darker than you wanted, but it can still be salvaged!
Actually, 5 hours on, it's hardened a bit - feels like sponge when pressed on top, not liquid. It's a most beautiful full yellow colour, would be such a shame to waste it.
Thick soup consistency is not a bad trace.
I would leave it for about 24 hours and zap check it and check to see if it can be cut.
You don't need to keep in the fridge. Let it sit out in the mold for a couple of days and it should harden.

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