Greetings all. I'm new again. After being here, then not being here for a long time it's good to be back. So, a introduction is in order. I'm almost old as dirt, live in Florida, had kids late and they've finished school and are about to move out. On top of that, there are too many hobbies and one seems to lead to another. After my soaping foray of several years ago the space under our bed has been jammed with soap. Finally the supply has dwindled so I've found time to make soap again. It is amazing how much you can forget! For those who might remember my ravishing hand model in soap pictures posted here, she is about to move out but has consented to pick up her hand modeling tasks once again. Joy!
Lovely wife, mother of our children, keeper of the peace and counter of the coin still just rolls her eyes and puts up with the hobbies that come and go. Some stick around. So, once again I am a soap making newbie with some things remembered, some forgotten. That makes for exciting soap experiences on our journey to continued cleanliness. Enough! I'm off to the lye soap forum. See ya!
Lovely wife, mother of our children, keeper of the peace and counter of the coin still just rolls her eyes and puts up with the hobbies that come and go. Some stick around. So, once again I am a soap making newbie with some things remembered, some forgotten. That makes for exciting soap experiences on our journey to continued cleanliness. Enough! I'm off to the lye soap forum. See ya!