Halloween help OR can you attach M&P to CP?

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Sep 14, 2022
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Northern CA
Anyone remember Rocky & Bullwinkle? That title reminds me of how they ended each show with a This or That teaser for the next show.

Anywho, I’m pondering Halloween already and I need some help to know if I’m thinking up something that is impossible or super difficult to pull off well. I’ve made M&P embeds that I’ve poked into the top of freshly poured CP soap, but what I’m thinking about is attaching to the sides, so the soap would be not be freshly poured.
I have a mold that makes bolt heads, and I’m wondering if I could make them stick to the sides of a bar of CP soap? I’ve seen a play on Frankenstein with a mostly bright green base (I might add a few random drop pours of purple and orange, because why not) then a top of black that is shaped to look like spiky hair. So that’s easy enough, but after the cut, is there a way to attach the M&P bolts to the sides?

Any advice? 🌸
@basti - I know you do both M&P and CP. Do you have any experience with this? 😊
No, sorry! I haven't done anything with MP embeds on CP soap.

You might be able to "glue" MP embeds on the CP soap with a little clear MP. But that's just a guesstimation and not something I've tried or have any experience with 😁
I have a mold that makes bolt heads, and I’m wondering if I could make them stick to the sides of a bar of CP soap?
I used to do it all the time - I would add M&P embeds to the face of my soaps. I would just scrape a bit of the CP soap off where I wanted to attach, wet it a little, then attach them with a little bit of melted M&P. Unless someone was really rough with it, they wouldn't fall off until about the 3rd use and by then the M&P was all mostly dissolved/used anyway.

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