great cakes soapworks challenge winners, congrats!

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I voted to yours for the same reasons, thinking outside the box and originality, so I think our votes cancelled each other out lol! Did you gel your soap? I think the image looks a lot sharper than mine. I certainly won't be making another of these in a hurry as they are such a pain. I hope next month is some kind of swirl instead.
Woo hoo!!!

Congratulations you guys!!! Both entries are so beautiful and unique and obviously took lots of skill and planning. Way to go! I'm totally inspired to flex my soaping muscles and try some new techniques! Thanks!
I tried to find that out and couldn't for the life of me see the page. I am signing up for all three. I have no idea what a spin swirl is and I have absolutely no idea how to make a soap into a dessert. Best get my research and thinking cap on!

I realised it was at the bottom of the winners page doh!

I thought you might have gelled as your embeds are such clean lines. I think my soap was a bit soft when I cut mine.
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I tried to find that out and couldn't for the life of me see the page. I am signing up for all three. I have no idea what a spin swirl is and I have absolutely no idea how to make a soap into a dessert. Best get my research and thinking cap on!

I realised it was at the bottom of the winners page doh!

I thought you might have gelled as your embeds are such clean lines. I think my soap was a bit soft when I cut mine.
I sign up all the time but never enter. I like having the tutorials, though, someday I will :)
Yes you should definitely join in reinbeau. The more the merrier and I love looking at all the entries. That's actually more fun than doing my own entry. I get excited and keep checking the link up for new ones. However she is splitting the international competitors off from the U.S. ones this time. I get that we might like a different prize, but I enjoyed being ranked along with everyone else, especially people I know on here. Now it won't be as fun. Just me and nfame in it together :) Maybe some of the other EU swappers will have a go this time hint hint. ;)
I have a question about the challenge if someone could answer this for me. If you sign up, do you get access to all the previous videos as well as the current one for the challenge? The spin swirl is the one that I really want to learn, but I'd love to see the other videos too.
You don't I'm afraid luv2soap, you only get the video for the tutorial that month.

Thanks! LOL, I should have waited 10 minutes to check my e-mail :) I received information about the past challenge videos and how you can purchase them.