Got compliment from my Doctor today

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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2009
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I sent my sweetie with a small sample bar of the pure EVOO castille with lavender for our doctor about a week ago. Today he told me in an email "Oh!!! The soap is awesome! I think I have one shower left on it. Thank you so much. I’ve had some people make soap for me before but yours is by far the best"

Just made me feel good, when I shared it with my sweetie, I just got rolling eyes (someone just doesn't get it).

So I figured, I'd share it here, where someone might appreciate it.

Sometimes the compliment is much more enjoyable when you can share it with someone.
Absinthe said:
I sent my sweetie with a small sample bar of the pure EVOO castille with lavender for our doctor about a week ago. Today he told me in an email "Oh!!! The soap is awesome! I think I have one shower left on it. Thank you so much. I’ve had some people make soap for me before but yours is by far the best"

Just made me feel good, when I shared it with my sweetie, I just got rolling eyes (someone just doesn't get it).

So I figured, I'd share it here, where someone might appreciate it.

Sometimes the compliment is much more enjoyable when you can share it with someone.

That is AWESOME! compliments serve as major inspiration! :)
That makes it all the more worthwhile. I also love it when I know that someone I respect has seen the benefit of using my lovingly crafted soap.
"Oh!!! The soap is awesome! I think I have one shower left on it. Thank you so much. I’ve had some people make soap for me before but yours is by far the best"

That's great! Well done! Ya better send him some more soap quick! That's a big hint if I ever saw one. :lol:
I will have to keep him well stocked... too bad I couldn't pay my bill that way :)
Just made me feel good, when I shared it with my sweetie, I just got rolling eyes (someone just doesn't get it).

I hear ya! :roll:

That's great that your doctor took the time to let you know how much he liked your soap. Makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it?

I took a painting class recently, and one of my classmates used to sell her handmade soap, years ago. I gave her a bar of mine, and she loved it! Made me feel pretty good. 8)
You are absolutely right.

Funny thing is that people that don't make soap, don't seem to really get why the compliment is so high. As a person that is not a soaper, my sweetie doesn't really get why I get excited about some aspect of it, or why when I was in the local country store and saw a basket of soaps that a local person was selling and was appalled at how little attention to detail was given to them. (e.g. they were molded in a slab of sorts, and from the looks of them it was probably a used cardboard box with some lining. Most of the pieces were corner pieces that were all wonkey and no attempt was made to make them look nice at all. Kind of like the brownies from the corner of the pan.)

I might give away soap (not selling it) but I want my bars to look nice. If they are simple and plainly cut form a loaf they are at least smooth, and not jagged. If I do give away a piece that doesn't look like I think it should I am genuinely embarrassed and quite apologetic. So when I see it and get all irritated about it, the eyes roll and I get the "not again" thing.

I guess someone who is not critical of such things, would not appreciate the gravity of a compliment on them either. So it is hard to enjoy a compliment if no one around you regards the statement any higher than "you got a new haircut it looks nice" :)

Maybe I should just enjoy them to myself..
Some of us love to soap but can't afford molds so we have to use cardboard boxes. I do cut the corners of mine as smoothly as I can. I guess poor people like us shouldn't be allowed to soap!!
campbellsoap said:
Some of us love to soap but can't afford molds so we have to use cardboard boxes. I do cut the corners of mine as smoothly as I can. I guess poor people like us shouldn't be allowed to soap!!

I think you got me all wrong. I have made some soaps purely for the love of making them. I have used used shampoo bottles and hand slung mono-filament to slice and dice them into half coins, and handed them out like candy. People loved them. But I was not selling them or putting them up in a "display" right up front in a store.

On top of that, I have seen soaps made in cardboard slab molds, lined with garbage bags or whatever, and cut carefully and cured nicely. They did not look perfect like some bar of ivory but they had the character of handmade soap.

What I am talking about is something so lazily slopped together, you could not discern an ounce of love for the art in them. When I looked that the pile of ill cut, poorly dressed, obviously slapped together soap, all I could imagine was someone that responded to that eBay add for "How to get rich making and selling your own gourmet soap"

It's one thing to be imperfect, or imprecise, it is quite another altogether to simply be lazy and careless and in this case it surely showed. This was the epitome of "I don't have to take any care, people will buy it because it says it is home made"
I haven't sold any of mine except to family. I'm still working on recipes and give it as Christmas presents. I do a lot of research and work at making soap.

I totally agree that it is not in the actual tools we use even though good tools make the soaping easier.

Your passion shows in the smaller details, how you finish your soap and present it.
I didn't want to come across as critical to hobbyists and amateurs who are doing this for the love of it. I am sorry if my previous post sounded like everyone should only use expensive molds and always make picture perfect looking bars. That was not my intent.
I didn't take your post that way at all - I understand what you are saying! I know my bars aren't picture perfect - yet! - but I'm still learning and I'm a long way from selling my soap. I am a perfectionist so I won't be selling it until I'm satisfied. :D I won't even give away the ugly end pieces - those are for us.

I'm also an artist, and when I see people selling paintings that to my mind are just amateurish, I feel the exact same way.
I took some pictures of it today, and was going to post them so you could see what I am talking about, but you can read the label with the maker's name on them and I didn't feel right about it.

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