I have yet to order from Soaper's Choice, and was getting ready to order 7 lbs. each of Tallow and RBO. I am not gonna order the larget size as I am a hobbyist and I can't use a large amount in a good amount of time, no where to store it, etc. Tallow, $11.55 USD and $12.46 USD.. Are you ready for this?? $16.23 for SHIPPING AND PROCESSING????? What a rude awakening... Is this normal? I did some comparison shopping at Amazon, Etsy and Soaper's choice and for 7lbs. or a little less or more, was WAY CHEAPER at Soaper's choice. I neglected to check shipping at other places, but not sure that is gonna make much of a dent. What say all of you soapers that buy often? I just may have to bite the bullet and get it, I dunno...