Golden Blonde (couple of pictures)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2009
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So far all I can think of to call this one is Golden Blonde.
So, I decided I wanted to try doing Chamamile like I did the coffee.
Ground up a bunch and set it to slow brew for a super potent stew. For the lye sollution and additive at trace.

Went with a simple oil recipe
palm, olive, coconut, castor, a little new crisco, some sugar
due to the crisco (hydrenated particals) and palm I kinda expected a creamy white soap with maybe a hint or tinge of Chamamile yellow.
Once it first traced up and hardened a little in the crock it went a beautiful cream yellow tinged white. Thought "this will go nice with Gardenia. So set out the Gardenia FO.
Although after the cook off the color kinda changed a tad.
Still went with the Gardenia FO though.

The log



Out and cut with a little sunshine to inhance




Looks great! I love it all...

Is that a regular garbage bag for a liner? I love the way it "messes" up the sides! Very rustic looking & I'm looking for a new way to line my wood log mold...
looks good.
I use "contact paper" or shelf liner to line wood mold, works well, you can use over and over.
its industrial plastic sheeting.
also known as Visqueen sheeting.
I think its like 4mil or 6mil.
realy thick.
strong enough to force the soap out by pulling.
get some at home depot or any paint supplies.
can get it in huge rolls fairly cheap and re-use a piece
for a long time.
Sounds great! Honor- I've read before you use contact paper...I've got to try that!
Hazel said:
Very pretty color! So this color is from the chamomile?

far as I can tell, I used no colorants.
was not exactly what I was expecting.

wonder if the sugar is what made it go translucent like that?
used no alcohol

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