Going over to the Dark Side!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Okay, I've been blonde for most of my adult life. About five years ago I dyed my hair brown and stripped it back to blonde about 2 days later. I wish I just left it and stuck it out while I got used to it!
I was always blonde as a kid, but I'm finding lately it's getting harder to get my hair the right shade. My roots are getting darker each hairdresser visit.
I normally get foils in the top half of my hair, I don't usually bother with the underneath, it's a bit darker but Ilike it like that. But when you get foils on top of foils, you end up with more hair highlighted than the last visit, so you sort of end up with a block colour.
So my dilemma is, should I go brunette? I really love those rich chocolatey brown tones. My eyebrows are dark, and I have a bit of olive in my skin. I can't keep up with the upkeep that blonde hair demands, and I think I'm just over it.
Would it be a total shock to the system?

I say go for it, change is always good! (of course i'm a little biased too since I've been a brunette all my life :lol: )

It depends. I had a friend in high school who had always bleached her hair and then she did it dark and it was SOOO much better on her. Contrarily, although I never color my hair which is light/med brown. I always seem to hate it when blondes go dark.

I'd have to see a picture to TRULY judge. I, personally, am NOT meant to be blond, I look HORRIBLE with blonde hair (platinum blond anyway)... strawberry blond MAYBE.
So now, what is your natural color? I say let it go the way it should be naturally and then decide. I don't dye my hair, but I am spoiled with natural strawberry blonde. My stylest tells me to make sure everybody knows that it is she who "does" my hair :lol:
Chrissy, you obviously want a change.....perhaps go for several shades darker than you currently have, at first, and see how you adjust? If that feels good on you then the next time you go to the hairdresser go for the rich, dark tones you feel you want.

My DD just said "otherwise why not go for the darker shade now and stick it out for a month; go out and about to see the people you know and take on board their reactions. You will know at the end of that month what is right for you".

Tanya :)
having bleached out your hair it will lose the dark color over time and turn orange-ish if you don't keep up with it.
i say go dark!!
Krissy, exactly it's getting harder and harder as I am getting older to achieve the same blonde. I do get it done at the hairdresser, but I think even she struggles with it. I know that if I go dark I have to put the red back in my hair, and then put the brown back over that.
I though DH would freak, he's always liked me blonde, but when I told him I was going dark, he said "it'll be like having a new girlfriend". :shock:
How about darker foils,over the blonde you have,then as it grows out,blend in some lighter ones to hide the difference.Over a couple of months you'll have made the transition without even noticing :)
It's funny how DH's can surprise you.

Through comments my husband had made, I had always assumed that he liked my hair shorter (I was growing out a REALLY bad haircut when I met him [so bad that the producer of a show I was doing asked me "what are you going to do with your hair for the show?" ugh] and he had seemed to like it the best when I was finally able to cut it into a bob and grow it from there) considering that when my hair was getting longer and longer (it grows like a WEED) he would ask me how long I was going to let it get. Finally after about 3 years of having it close to my waist (you know, at that point where it's super long for the sake of being super long) I got bored and chopped it into a chin-length bob to surprise him before he came to visit me on a ship. He hadn't seemed overly enthused, so I finally asked him about it. After going around and around about how it's my hair and I can have it anyway I like it (DUH!), he finally admitted that it made me look "so young, that he felt like a child molester." I said "but you always complained about how long it was and how you'd always accidentally lay on it in bed, etc."

ANYWAY, I let it grow again and now it's getting to the super long point and he's started asking me how long I'm going to let it get. He,then, started talking about how he was looking at pictures from when I had chopped it, and how good it looked. I called him on it, "I thought you felt like a child molester!"

I guess I just can't win with him. I, personally, don't care. I grew up with short hair, (my mom made me keep it short :() grew it long in high school (thanks to seeing Phantom of the Opera) and periodically chop it and let it grow again. I've found however, that people THINK short hair is less maintenance, but for me... if it's short and I don't feel like doing anything with it, it looks like CRAP. Whereas, if it's long and I don't do anything (like usual) it just lays there being shiny.

I still look at pix of bobs and think... "hmmmmm....."

Sorry I'm so long-winded in my hijacking of the thread. :oops:
I went brunette once and I didn't feel like myself. It was weird. I'm a natural blonde but it's a yucky dishwatery blonde, so I goose it with color now. Dark hair just made me feel like someone else...lol.
I say do what makes you feel good.
kittywings said:
It's funny how DH's can surprise you.

Through comments my husband had made, I had always assumed that he liked my hair shorter (I was growing out a REALLY bad haircut when I met him [so bad that the producer of a show I was doing asked me "what are you going to do with your hair for the show?" ugh] and he had seemed to like it the best when I was finally able to cut it into a bob and grow it from there) considering that when my hair was getting longer and longer (it grows like a WEED) he would ask me how long I was going to let it get. Finally after about 3 years of having it close to my waist (you know, at that point where it's super long for the sake of being super long) I got bored and chopped it into a chin-length bob to surprise him before he came to visit me on a ship. He hadn't seemed overly enthused, so I finally asked him about it. After going around and around about how it's my hair and I can have it anyway I like it (DUH!), he finally admitted that it made me look "so young, that he felt like a child molester." I said "but you always complained about how long it was and how you'd always accidentally lay on it in bed, etc."

ANYWAY, I let it grow again and now it's getting to the super long point and he's started asking me how long I'm going to let it get. He,then, started talking about how he was looking at pictures from when I had chopped it, and how good it looked. I called him on it, "I thought you felt like a child molester!"

I guess I just can't win with him. I, personally, don't care. I grew up with short hair, (my mom made me keep it short :() grew it long in high school (thanks to seeing Phantom of the Opera) and periodically chop it and let it grow again. I've found however, that people THINK short hair is less maintenance, but for me... if it's short and I don't feel like doing anything with it, it looks like CRAP. Whereas, if it's long and I don't do anything (like usual) it just lays there being shiny.

I still look at pix of bobs and think... "hmmmmm....."

Sorry I'm so long-winded in my hijacking of the thread. :oops:

if you do get it cut, see if the salon does Locks of Love.
my dd lets her hair grow real long and then in the summer she cuts it into a bob and we donate her hair to Lock of Love. i think she has donated over 50 inches so far. and her hair cuts are usually free when we do that, so that's a bonus.

my dh has said the exact same ting about me when i cut my hair into a bob. he says it makes me look like a kid and he feels like he looks like a child molester. i just tell him too bad though. lol

gekko62 said:
How about darker foils,over the blonde you have,then as it grows out,blend in some lighter ones to hide the difference.Over a couple of months you'll have made the transition without even noticing :)

great idea! :D

i agree-do it gradually!

that way it's not such a shock to yourself or to others that know you! :D
(they might not even notice!)

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