I know this sounds like a dumb question... but I'm going to fire it anyway.
I LOVE Goat Milk soap. However, mixing lye into frozen goat milk is... well.... time-consuming and lots of elbow grease. Just keep mixing x 5000
I have a kitchen aid mixer at home. I wonder if I can use that for goat milk and lye mixing...
Has anyone done that? If so, any recommended hooks/ attachments?
OR any tips to mix lye and GM that will be less labor-intensive. I would LOVE any tips!
Personally, I would not use a mixer of any type used for baking. Even when making something like muffins, things can splatter due to the lower sides of the bowl & the larger size of the attachments which come too far up the sides of the bowl. Even with the plastic covers for the bowls, things splash.
I don't find this process very time consuming, to be honest. It really doesn't take that long for everything to melt down. I do find though that sometimes little bits of lye can crust up on the bottom of my lye pitcher.
@AliOop advised against using a stick blender. I disagree on that one as once my lye is fairly well dissolved, I do exactly that to dissolve lye crystals which adhere to the bottom of my pitcher. After scraping that as well as I can, I simply keep the blender on the bottom of the container & mix well using my stick blender. This also gives me a nice, homogenous mixture as my goats milk tends to separate while cooling. I give it a good buzz again right before combining my lye & oils.
I use a large pitcher with very high sides to avoid splashing. Much higher than the level of my lye solution. I do the same with my coconut milk / lye mixture before adding it to my oils. This also results in less stick blending once I have combined my lye solution / oils, which makes it easier for me to get to *just* the emulsion stage, giving me more time to work with colorants, essential oils & so on. This is important for me as I only use natural colorants, which can sometimes be challenging.
Anyways, using common sense, protective gear, and some appropriate equipment, it CAN be done without injuring yourself. That said, I am not responsible for any personal errors in judgement or lack of precautions you might make / not take